Endoscopy and Aneamia: Doctor has referred me for... - PMRGCAuk


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Endoscopy and Aneamia

Carol-mc profile image
15 Replies

Doctor has referred me for an endoscopy to find the cause of my aneamia. I thought aneamia was not uncommmon with PMR, my medical herbalist friend said that all her patients with PMR are aneamic and it was due to the inflammation. I have only had one lot of bloods taken since starting Pred. thought doctor would have waited wee bit longer before asking for endoscopy, have been scoffing lots of iron-rich foods, even Stornaway Black Pudding (so tasty) and taking Vit C to help absorb the iron. Just wondered if any of you guys had to go down this route? Is it the norm with aneamia? So much I don’t know, and have to confess I have an aversion to hospitals!


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Carol-mc profile image
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15 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Hi Carol-mc,

This is a previous post about PMR and anaemia


But if you type in anaemia in the search box I’m sure you’ll find more.

Carol-mc profile image
Carol-mc in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks DorsetLady, read the post, very interesting!

Haven’t needed to go near doctors for years, worked for a medical herbalist for some time and prefer natural remedies. This whole situation has turned my world upside down, it’s scary!

SnazzyD profile image

Hmm, I think I’d want at least one other full blood count done before submitting to such an invasive procedure. A trend is useful and the knowledge that it isn’t a mistake as they do happen. Have you had a faecal occult blood test done?

PMRpro profile image

Referring straight for an endoscopy seems a bit OTT to me - has the GP done a faecal occult blood test? That looks for blood in stools to see if you are bleeding somewhere in the gut - then you would be sent for an endoscopy/colonoscopy.

You are quite right - anaemia IS common in chronic illness. OTOH, at least he is being safe rather than risking being sorry.

Carol-mc profile image
Carol-mc in reply to PMRpro

No, a faecal occult blood test never mentioned, will speak to doctor about that when I see her at next appointment. Many thanks to all who replied!

CT-5012 profile image

Me too, sudden drop in Hb, white cells raised, have been ‘scoped from both ends nothing unusual found now waiting to see what the docs can think of next. Please don’t worry about the procedure it sounds much worse than it actually is and at least you will know there is nothing sinister going on. All good wishes.

Dream21 profile image

Hi... that seems really invasive, unless you are having other symptoms or showing other abnormalities on blood work. Everyone is different, but I take 350mg of iron twice a day. Low iron seems to go with this disease . Keep us posted.

magmapearl3 profile image

My anemia led to cancer of the bowel diagnosis so I would recommend going ahead with the colonoscopy just to make sure.

CT-5012 profile image
CT-5012 in reply to magmapearl3

Absolutely, I had IBS as well so there was every reason to investigate.

Telian profile image

I agree with CT-5012 as have gone through the same procedures, they found lots of polyps, which unchecked turn cancerous, but no indication of aneamia, better to be safe than sorry..

Edwintweet profile image

It's my Wife I speak on her behalf.

Be very careful on this issue of endoscopy and what it will lead to.

Colonoscopy .

After a routine blood test she was told that she was anemic.

So then it all started.

First endoscopy, then colonocopy.

They want to perform this every 6 months. If you look it up its 3 to 5 years.

I have to go just now but look up the side effects of the above.

Will get back later.


Edwintweet profile image

I just typed a load and lost it.

So , my poor love has gone through hell and it has made

Her into a different person.

So do carefull research on it and good luck and God bless you. Irene and Edwin.

Carol-mc profile image
Carol-mc in reply to Edwintweet

Thankyou for your reply, although you have worried me somewhat, will have to talk to the doctor again. I am sorry to hear your wife had such a bad experience, and wish you both all the Best!


HeronNS profile image

I have had low iron in earlier life, but definitely very low with PMR. I took a liquid iron supplement which I was much more able to tolerate for about a year or so, and apparently my iron readings are normal now. Also ate, still eating, iron rich foods, not quite so easy as I'm vegetarian, but pumpkin seeds at breakfast gets every day started on the right foot. I agree with the others, less invasive tests first, to find out if the endoscopy is really necessary. But it's good your doctor is paying attention.

Carol-mc profile image
Carol-mc in reply to HeronNS

Yes, am eating iron-rich foods,have discovered I really like steamed Kale, and have pumpkin seeds on my porridge along with lots of berries in the morning! Am seeing doctor on Monday, will discuss how we go forward, would like another blood count, only had one, and feeling a lot more energised now my Pred is at 15mg, Will see what she says!!!

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