I was diagnosed with PMR & GCA in January this year after experiencing PMR symptoms for almost a year previously. I was initially on 40mg of prednisone.
I started having an issue with my right foot after using a vibration machine at the gym in mid April & the top of my foot over the instep is still sore & inflammed as well as my big toe. My GP thought this may be PMR related & sent me back to the rheumatologist who thinks it may be the start of Rheumatoid Arthritis & that I have RA, GCA and PMR. I know I'm not a doctor, but having consulted Dr Google I'm not convinced of this RA diagnosis & will ask for blood tests etc
I had a PMR flare in mid May when trying to reduce from 16.25 to 15. During this flare I had pain in both calves & knees, & my CRP level increased to 12 (having been 1 or 2 for a long time). My CRP level is now back to 2 which is back in the normal range.
My Rheumotolgist said that methotrexate is used for RA & says it can also help people get off steroids faster, & has suggested that I start taking it.
I have a dilemma here as really don't know what to do re taking the methotrexate and folic acid also prescribed. If I can be convinced about the RA it's probably a no brainer. However if not with PMR & GCA is it better to stay on prednisone for longer or introduce this new drug?