I want thank you all for your kind words and thoughts and prayers. Greatly appreciated. All test came back normal. But they were still clueless. So I left the hospital. Knowing that all they will be doing is drugging me. With different kinds of drugs. Which were not working anyway.
Thank you: I want thank you all for your kind words... - PMRGCAuk
Thank you

Same happened to meuntil I self diagnosed PMR.......doctor said was "too old" for PMR... I'm 69 .....goes to show how informed some doctors are.......you have to be your own "doctor"

I too had to diagnose myself. 😷
Me too Patience47 - 'self-diagnosis' - and with this condition seems a little too common - still ! But agree having as much insight and info as you can get ('doctoring') yourself - with support such as this forum offers ('scientific' and 'experiential') certainly helps. However when they can't (at all) identify the cause of pain/illness it can be a real problem so hope you get some relief somehow soon Hali12.
Best wishes
Me too!
I bet this happens if not always, but one can gather this is hardly unusual. My GP tells me diagnostic tests are useless and she was honest. Lucky if the test results showed an abnormality, but quite often, diagnosis gets missed even at the "top" hospital.
"Too old for PMR" ??? That's a new one - and shows a scary degree of ignorance!
If you sink in water and die as a result, you were ill (shame you died). If you float and survived, you were normal. More like. I have seen appalling doctoring at the top, prestigious hospitals over the years. Someone commented on another hub, in the UK, doctors are free from liability/damage on patients, hence they are not expected to help anybody. There's a culture of "I'm following the guidelines and try not to be too helpful to patients, keeping my job", it seems.
My older daughter failed to get a diagnosis of appendicitis at the University hospital - the local regional hospital, the same distance from the house in the other direction, decided it was. Luckily - since when they removed the offending organ the next morning (as an emergency) the path lab found it was about to perforate from the inside out. One more bout of pain and we'd have been looking at peritonitis.
Scary (in caps).
Do they still think it might be a pinched nerve in your neck? If so, I suppose you're waiting for the appointment with the neurosurgeon.
Take care and let us know how you get on.
Oh dear! Well at least they have discounted some serious conditions. Onward! You’ll get there.
Unbelievable - how bad is the headache now?
Hi. I have just been reading some of your posts and like another reply I read it was not until the registrar ordered a pet scan that they knew that I had GCA. I had been on steroid 8 months having most scans known to man. I just sat gazing into space often in the car on the Derbyshire moors. I send good wishes from a misty Yorkshire.jen
Why Derbyshire moors when Yorkshire enough of these, if you don't mind me asking this silly question?

I'm guessing Jen is in South Yorkshire, which is nearer to Derbyshire than the N. Yorks Moors...... (I used to live in Sheffield and was born in Derby!)

Yes Rugger is right, nearer Sheffield. Stannage edge and Mam Tor made a difficult time easier even in the winter months. I also used to trudge up Ilkley Moor to the little white pub. Beautiful Wild places help when times are tough. Jen
Oh, Peak District. How nice. I like "trudge up"...oh, yes, winter was harsh thanks to the climate change and winds from the Pennine.
What a business and what you have been put through,Hali12. Although good to go home, it's not the answer, is it? I would be so scared if I went to a hospital and treated like that. Makes our state hospitals in S.Africa look like a walk in the park.Seems as if they don't know anything?? So, now, you are now none the wiser, really. I really wish you well. xx
So sorry that you're having to go through all this. Keep in touch. Don't really know what to suggest.