Has anyone had a problem when eating anything a bit rough, such as fish in breadcrumbs, with blood blisters coming up on roof of mouth? It has happened to me twice this year, last Sunday while at my sister's trying a bit of pork crackling, a red blister about the size of a 5p piece came up and made eating very sore. I drank lots of water, gargled with salt water and used Bonjela. The redness has gone but it is still a bit swollen and sore when I swallow.
Blood blisters in mouth: Has anyone had a problem... - PMRGCAuk
Blood blisters in mouth

Would hazard a guess it’s another Pred thing! As it effects the tiny capillaries in eyes and just under the skin - why not the mouth as well!
But do monitor things and obviously if it continues or get worse then off to GP. Hopefully with your gargling and bonjela it will be sorted, and just stick to “easier” foods while it’s still a bit sore.
When I had sore throat earlier in Year I added a drop of honey to the salt in cooled boiled water, soothes the throat as well.
I think that there is a particular sensitivity in the lining of the mouth, to certain foods, textures and temperature. Stop picking Marcimay. As my mum used to say “ little pickers need bigger knickers”.😉
Your remedies sound spot on!
Hmmm? No, I have not experienced it, but it does not sound like much fun at all! : (

I get skinned areas on the roof of my mouth - usually after eating something hot but also after crusty bread or something like crackling (neither common events unfortunately but it saves the pain).
Yes I do
Asked at pharmacy and they say preds make your skin thinner so also effects mouth lining salt water works for me
Yes I've had this on roof of mouth after eating something strong or salty ,a few times.It started as a blood blister then sore for a week.
Yes I have had this, pre pred too, but more frequently now! I get it slightly with tomatoes- familial allergy- but worse with things like strongly flavoured crisps etc. It usually goes away fairly quickly without doing anything.
Yes had a huge "lesion" on the roof (soft palate) of my mouth. It burst and I could have had a starring role in any Vampire movie. My dentist and gp insisted I see an oral surgeon under the 14 day urgent referral as it was so big. This duly happened and the consultant was very nice and explained that "steroids" could cause a thinning of membranes in mouth. This in turn turned small trauma in the mouth from eating to turn into this type of "blister". He thought that it was the steroid nasal spray I had been using for a year to help to reduce the inflammation in my ears as well as the pred affecting the membranes. It was very sore but with the help of Difflam mouth spray and colloidal silver as a mouthwash it healed. I have had a few more smaller ones but thankfully nothing big again. So that's my experience, hope it helps. By the way I was told by my (NHS) GP that they "Don't do mouths" and I had to go to my dentist to get the referral and the mouth spray! Hope your mouth heals soon xxx
I have similar issues. It seems that anything crusty or crunchy tears up my mouth a bit. It definitely started after I began my prednisone and continues still. I like my organic tortilla chips but don’t indulge very often now. Ouch.
Yes I have had this problem as well as bleeding and sore gums. I spoke to my dentist who said it is a side effect of the pred & recommended applying hydrogen peroxide solution 3% very sparingly. In New Zealand this can be purchased from a pharmacy. I found this got rid of the problem in a few days