I thought shingles for the duration of November was a tiny bit tough, but now I have hand foot and mouth (courtesy of working with children). I didn't realise it hurt! Just finished a uke gig and hands and throat are sore. Could be worse as I thought I was having a major flare. Am meant to be reducing my steroids but went up to 10 last month with the shingles and am going to stick at 9 until I am fully well. Fully well? At this rate that won't be for a while! I'm barking mad about catching everything going! I can feel the wrath of my Dr when next we converse on my taper - which won't be fast enough for her! She can expect the sharp end of my sore tongue! Anyway pet, this old hen's clucking off now to get ready for the uke Xmas party.
Hand foot and mouth: I thought shingles for the... - PMRGCAuk
Hand foot and mouth

Strange - someone on another forum has also been in contact with hand, foot and mouth, her son caught it at school. Have you sought anti-viral medication? It is recommended for immunocompromised patients.
PS, you do know it is highly contagious?????????
I phoned the dr surgery who told me to see the pharmacist - which I did. I have certainly been contagious, prior to spots and blisters appearing, but now I am safe to be around they tell me. However, if the blisters burst I am then contagious once more. I reminded the surgery and the pharmacist of my health history (the pharmacist knows it pretty well as I've seen her so much of late) but both said nothing can be taken! My hub looked aghast and ready to move bedrooms - I told him he was safe! Your post is making me question that now! I'm more inclined to listen to you! I must have jeopardised quite a few aged folk as this is our busiest time of year for gigs!
"A 27-year-old man, immunosuppressed from recent chemotherapy for metastatic Ewing's sarcoma, presented with a 1-week history of a painful, pruritic, papulovesicular eruption on the hands and feet. A diagnosis of hand, foot and mouth disease was made based on histology, detection of Enterovirus ribonucleic acid by polymerase chain reaction on a swab from a vesicle, and a four-fold increase in Enterovirus antibody levels. At no stage however, were there lesions in the mouth. Another unusual feature in this case was a prolonged course, presumably as a result of immunosuppression. After 3 1/2 weeks he was commenced on oral aciclovir 200 mg five times daily, with subsequent resolution of all lesions within 5 days. There may be a role for systemic aciclovir in some patients with hand, foot and mouth disease."
So nananana - yes, something CAN be taken...
Righty ho! That's good enough for me. I will take acciclovar immediately. I have just popped an amitryptiline amd paracetamol - I'm just going to take one and hope all three swill round happily together. I'll be asleep soon anyway! Thanks for this. Very grateful.
You have aciclovir tablets? Didn't know you could get them without a script...
Oh poor, poor you Pongo! What awful bad luck. My OH caught hand foot and mouth from one of our grandsons and was completely knocked over by it.
Your uke Christmas party sounds fab. My family all play. My son and daughter did a compilation duet for us at the weekend, it brought a lump to my throat. Never heard them sing together before.