The great news is: I have been off Pred for a week - without pain and even the arthritis is lying low. All in all I haven't been feeling so well in quite a while. Then last Tuesday I found a boob lump. Saw very good woman doctor on Thursday who has referred me urgently to the Breast clinic and found a heart condition that she feels needs to be investigated urgently. Next week is full of tests x rays etc while I feel more energetic and well than I ever hoped. I have lost about a stone in weight since Christmas which I am sure has helped the arthritis and my word do I look good in my Increasingly loose clothes. I am not going to worry until they tell me that I have something to worry about and am spending the break with my dear sister without whom I should be lost. The last thing I want to do is worry my boys and spread alarm and despondency.
Ups and Downs of Life: The great news is: I have... - PMRGCAuk
Ups and Downs of Life

Oh croescade! Your attitude is so grounded and sensible. I am so glad that you have a special sister in your life who sounds like your rock.
It is so unfair that you come out of one health storm and straight into another. It is commendable that you are taking time to notice all the good things about your recovery and getting off Pred.
I wish you all the very best with these investigations and subsequent results. I send you a virtual hug and all the blessings for an easy ride. You’ll be getting the real hugs and support very soon from your sister. Have a lovely Easter, allow yourself some chocolate. Well done!
Good luck with all that and well done with the approach but I’m glad you’ve got your sister and the distraction I hope she brings. If the breast unit is like my local one (UK) , you get answers on the same day as to whether it is anything to worry about so you know where you are which is half the battle.
You and me both. So many new problems recently to add to the PMR and GCA. We, maybe fortunately, refuse to worry until told we have something to worry about. Congratulations on the weight loss. 👏 Hope you have an easy time with your investigations and a speedy recovery. Always having something to look forward to helps me stay more or less sane! Have a lovely time with your sister. 😊
Thoughts and prayers headed your way.
You prayers are very welcome. I have had experience of their value in the past. Faith etc is not very fashionable today but I have never lost mine, though a somewhat lapsed Catholic. Anyway I go to Mass infrequently but shall be there tomorrow. Thanks again
I do hope things go well for you. I think we are all very nervous of finally getting of Prednisone, but it doesn’t seem fair that now you are worried about something else. I am a lapsed Catholic too, but I still feel spiritual....I send healing thoughts your way.
Thanks Stella. I was concerned about coming off the dreaded 'p' but in the event it has passed without problems. The extraordinary thing is that I feel so well. In fact all spine and muscular problems are eased. I cannot believe that I have something seriously wrong with me but I shall wait and see. I have found comfort in the Mass this weekend. but I have issues to resolve. My older son is a steadfast practising Catholic who derives much strength from it. I haven't lost my faith - only doubts about the Church which is not so simple. Hey ho

That isn't fair is it!
Nosey as ever - what sort of heart condition? I have atrial fibrillation - almost certainly linked to the PMR.
Have a lovely weekend with your sister - and you are quite right, no point worrying until there is a good reason.
Thank you PMRpro. She has detected a heart murmur which she thinks needs to be investigated. I have an enlarged heart - I have known this for some years but I haven't detected any alarming palpitations or anything so I was very surprised. I wonder if the pred has had an effect - we shall see. Anyway, I am really enjoying the Easter break. I hope yours is good too.
Toasting in Malta...
Hope the murmur is like my husband's: identified in a medical for BP at 18. Cardiologist said "You COULD drop dead tomorrow but I think it is far more likely you will never notice it!" Which has been the case.
Thank you PMpro. WHat can I say - my husband dropped dead out of the blue. All in all his was an easy death - his expression showed no pain or alarm. The rest of us suffered though. At the moment my ticker seems quiet and without any alarming manifestations.
Oh I'm so sorry - what an unfortunate tale of mine. My father and mother both went very suddenly. To me I found it far easier in the long term than the thought they might have suffered - but I know others found it hard.

Sorry to hear that, but as you say no point worrying until or unless you have something to worry about! Love your attitude!
Have a great Easter. 🐥🐇💐
Thanks Dorset Lady. Thanks again for all the good sensible advice I have garnered from you in the past. Happy Easter
Hope you are enjoying your Easter Break 🐣 with your sister & so pleased you’ve got off the Pred ⭐️
It’s good you can put everything to one side until after Easter, sending you good wishes for the best outcome from both issues.
Do let us know how you get on.
Best Wishes
Mrs N 💕

Thank you so much. I am enjoying things. There seems to be a firm wall between me and next week's shenanigans. Have a Good Easter
sending hugs and praying for a positive outcome to match your amazing attitude. Happy Easter. Love my sisters and would be list without them xxxx
Many, many thanks Pongo. Happy Easter to you too. I have a little hanging on my bedroom wall which says: Because I have a sister, I'll always have a friend.
I'm sure you know the grand majority of these turn out to be nothing much. I had one a few years ago that turned out to be a boil getting ready to blossom.
Will be thinking of you...keep us posted.
So good that you have your sister and will be spending time with her. Thoughts and prayers for you Croescade as you face tests etc next week. Do let us know how you get on.
Well done with the attitude and wishing you well today. ❤️
Happy Easter and best of luck, Croescade. My friend and I both had breast lumps, last year, which both turned out to be nothing to worry about. I think this is often the case, and am keeping my fingers crossed for you, too.
More than 80% of breast lumps turn out to be benign - which is pretty favourable odds...
I am fairly optimistic. Thing is it is unknown in the family and the last thing I expected when I feel so well.
Keep optimistic, don’t cross any bridges until you get to them. Thinking of you & let us know when you’ve had you’re appointment.
It’s pretty much a One Stop Appointment where they can often give you an answer on the day.
Hope you’ve had a good Easter Day 🐣
Best Wishes
Angela x

Have had a lovely Easter. I hope I can look back on this with:'remember that scare I had last Easter'. I have been surrounded by love and reassurance- not least from here. Thank you Angela
Hi, I just saw your post... I hope things turn out well and "it" is NOTHING! I have had several scares of this type... mammogram shows something, I get sent for an ultra-sound, the a biopsy. Thank goodness it has always been something non-evasive. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you so much. This sort of experience you share is very heartening

Thinking of you, croescade, and waving a virtual magic wand your way.
My thoughts and prayers are with you croescade,l am sure your faith is giving you comfort at this difficult time.l hope that everything will be alright for you,please let us know how you get on xx
God Bless you too croescade .