My mum has polymyalgia and over more than 12 months has been reducing to 1 mg but recently took up chair exercising ( she is 88 yrs old) in addition to her walks. She began to get stiffness and didn't know if this was as a result of the chair exercises. I think from reading other people's posts today that this is quite likely to be the cause. She has had her blood tested and the doctor has put her back onto 15 mg and she is so disappointed and all the bloating on steroids makes her feel ' not like herself '.
She does suffer from fatigue and has not had the reasons for this explained or even linked with the condition. It has been useful for me to read that this is linked in these posts. At least I can now explain this to her.
I think I must tell her to give up the chair exercises and stick to the walking but moderate it and not go too far. On her birthday she walked 7 miles with me and loved it. I now think this could have been part of the cause of her relapse as she had just taken up the chair exercises and then went of the long walk.
Mum loves walking and loves being outside and loves meeting up with people so the chair exercises were good on many levels but probably too much for her.
I have also noted that very slow reduction of 0.5 per month is advisable to prevent relapse. I note on another website that doctor guidance is 1mg per 3 mg per 3 weeks (or something like that). I will advise my mum of the slower method as relapse is so frustrating for her.
If I've misinterpreted anything please let me know. I may have my units ( mg) wrong but I think Imcan be understood.