Hi, my mum started getting pain in her upper arm which then went upto her shoulder, she could barely raise her arm and it was extremely painful, she now has this in both upper arms and shoulders and has done since early/mid October. She has completely lost her appetite, has lost over a stone and is terribly miserable as she can literally do nothing for herself, she isn’t getting any sleep as the pain is worse at night and if she takes any painkillers she often vomits them up as she has an empty stomach.
She has been to the doctors several times, initially the doctors thought she had arthritis but after X-rays no longer believe this is the case as nothing showed up. They they sent her to a physio who told her she has rotator cuff in both shoulders and have given her exercises to do and is on a waiting list for a steroid injection.
Since then she has got worse, she has zero appetite and cannot sleep and is still in a lot of pain and unable to lift her arms. We have called the doctors several times who are useless and just say to take the pain meds. We have booked a private drs appt tomorrow.
From what I have described do you think it could be PMR? the only thing she doesn’t have is the hip pain. If so how do you go about get a diagnoses - I explained to the dr on the phone today that I think it could be this and she was just dismissive and said I shouldn’t be looking online!!