Hello peeps. I’m not grumpy today, just hot - again. My mum is grumpy though. She dropped a 1mg of that Pred stuff and is now regretting it, says her shoulders hurt and she aches all over. But she did do the ironing in 28 degrees so it’s her fault not mine. And she really didn’t need to step on me just cos I was under her feet, but I howled very loud to make her feel guilty, which worked because I got fed - again. Result.
I’m a tiny bit grumpy ‘cos they have taken my broad bean patch down and now I have resorted the sleeping with the sweetcorn. It’s cooler than the sofa, I had to air my bits on there to keep cool (I’m not sure where my “bits” went, I know I had them when I was a stray... perhaps they dropped off when I was asleep)
Last night was well, er, interesting. My mum got very excited as three hedgehogs came into my garden. I find them boring. Two of them were making lots of loud huffing noises and one kept chasing the other, wrecking all the plants. The little one just keep on eating, and eating. My mum has named him Hector. Like in that old Greek story. She’ll be calling the other two Paris and Helen next. IF she can find out which is which. They all look the same to me.. Mum was walking around the garden excitedly in her PJs for a very long time (it was cool out there) so she is tired today. She should know better what with this PMR and PBC and all. She took photos. If she shows me how I’ll try and post it on here but I will warn you I am much more photogenic than the hogs. 🐱 I suppose she’ll be out there again tonight too.
Oh and mum now says she is feeling a bit better ‘cos she took the extra 1.25 mg Pred and the Rheumy be damned... 😉