Hello everyone! Am off to the GP again tomorrow and hoping I will finally get a diagnosis, or at least a referral, as I have been in increasing pain since the end of last Summer. I am 62, female. In August I started with muscle pain in the back of my upper right arm, then front of arm. Thought I had hurt it playing badminton, but didn't improve with rest. A few days later same pains started in left arm. Also lower arms are aching/throbbing. Stopped cycling in case it was something like carpal tunnel. Almost permanent dull headache. Finally made appt. to see GP at end of October, but came out with shingles rash the day before, so she treated that and said needed to be clear of shingles before further investigations. Pains have spread to shoulders/neck Sleep is difficult as pain can be very severe. I do find if I 'overdose' with Ibuprofen and get one of my kids to lather painful areas with ibuprofen gel it can sometimes help reduce the pain enough to get some sleep. Now find it very difficult to dress, reach up to cupboards etc. Finally felt shingles pain had gone so rang docs 17th January, she arranged blood tests. She did mention PMR as possible diagnosis -but blood didn't show anything much- ESR was only 17. Last week blood tests for autoimmune conditions but these tests results take up to 10 days, I have rung to see GP tomorrow because I am so sore, stiff, and feel like my eyesight is not as sharp in my right eye, and have also had 4 occasions of incredible pain when eating-in right jaw only. If you can give me your advice before GP appt I would appreciate it. I feel I am not being taken seriously and have so far only had telephone contact with GP.
1. Is it common for ESR not to be raised and be in so much pain?
2. As ibuprofen is anti inflammatory could that have lowered the ESR reading?
3. I have only had the jaw pain 4 times, is this likely to be unrelated?
4. I see that weight loss is a common symptom-I have not lost any weight, so is it unlikely that I have PMR?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Angie K