Do i have PMR: Hi all i follow this site for help... - PMRGCAuk


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Do i have PMR

pink123floyd profile image
27 Replies

Hi all i follow this site for help and advice .i appoligise in advance for bad spelling after having a stroke . In Feb this yr i was sent to see a specialist do to shoulder and bad hand pain which included pins and needles also numbness swollen knuckles ect,while there i asked about temple and jaw pain i had been having for over a year asked is this Pmr the reply was what is PMR.cut a long story short have not been back.but was sent to pain clinic only to be told i have Fibromyagia .now a locume has told me it is temerol arteritis but has given me no medication to eleviate the pain which is driving me nuts .also dr keeps refering to my headache but they are not head ache it it temple pain radiating down to the ear with pain then jaw pain .just some advice please on anything i can do to help myself . My markers were 10 esr they are now 16 the base markers have been up from 15 to 30 and told my esr is too low Thank you all

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27 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


if your locum suggested Temporal Arteritis or GCA as it is now usually called - then he should have referred you to a rheumatologist or at least given you a trial of steroids. The temple, ear and jaw pains do sound suspiciously like GCA…. and not everyone has raised markers, but many doctors doesn’t seem to know that.

Is your jaw pain there all the time or does it just come on when chewing/eating?

If the former, then the pains could be TMD -see link -

If the latter, then GCA definitely needs to be considered..

I’m not saying it is GCA, but it does need to be ruled out, so you do need medical advice on this. If your GP is not helpful, then try nhs111 or A&E…

Good luck, and please let us know.

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you for the reply the pain in my jaw is there even with out eating and sometimes feels like he pain is just there all the time .x

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Okay -that’s not usually the case with GCA (won’t say never) -so maybe a TMD issue -that can give pain in the areas you describe…

Silly question maybe -but any chance of a dental appointment?

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Tried umpeen times to get a dentist appoimen but the usuall reply is why you have no teeth, due to them falling out also due to osteoporosis and anadronic acid i also have lost 100 bone top and 95 bone bottom nothing wrong with my teeth just all were very loose so no dentures either and my last dentist has now gone private .thank you Dorset Lady for the link have just read through it but will keep reading and see if anything is what i am doing write or wrong.xx

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Trying to get a dentist’s abysmal…. and sorry you are having such a time trying to get a proper diagnosis…

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Managed to get a doctors appoinmet next thursday hope i can get a properp diagnosis or some test one way or the other .x

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Hope so, please let us know how you get in….

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Just update DL had my doctors appoinment today and gave him a list of what has been going on with the temple head and shoulder pains ect he says they are all the symptoms of temple artertis ,but even tho my stats has gone up by 6points more they are still low he ordererd a scan and gave me 40 mg of preds to see if they help.then will see him again in 5 days time.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Okay… well at least you have a plan and extra Pred to help with symptoms… keep a diary so you can inform doctor at next appointment of how things have been.

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you DL for the help and information from the link you gave me about TMD and Temporal arteritis being similer.think now i may have a doctor who reads my list and listens .x

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Good to hear about doctor…always helps.

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Morning DL well shock of my life this morning had my follow up appoinment with the GP i saw who put me on preds was happy to see pain was reduced, asked if i had heard from Rhumy department which i should have done within 72 hrs of starting preds,i said no have heard nothing so he said he would chase them up.well this morning my phone hasn,t stopped ringing with 3 appoinments tomorrow for Ultrascan on my head ,and appoinments at Rhumy clinic . This is the same Dr who told me last month to make a appoinment with some one else as i have too much going on ,what a change in manner when your locum Dr can read what you are exsperiencing instead of just pretending to listen.sorry for long rabbating on .x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to pink123floyd


DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Wow - must have a pre Christmas lull in the diagnostic department. 😉 pity doc is a locum.

Let us know how things go please.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

I do tell people quite often that a locum can be a Good Thing - lots seem to worry about it.

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Follow up Had my Rhumy appoinment total waste of time was dissmissed as soon as i sat down ,never answered any of my questions threw a load of big medical words at me and when i asked explaining i not long had a stroke so needed plain english he looked at my ultrasound scan which i had only just finished having said i dont have temprol arteritis and dischrged me ,so i ask is it TMD he looked shocked and asked how i new about that sent me for a exray and closed the door. What a jobsworth he was made a complaint and waiting on a new appoinment.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Oh blimey- so sorry to hear that, what a shambles. So does that mean you are back to GP in the interim until you get another appointment with your “oh so helpful friend”.

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Yes back to GP while i wait for another referal asked not to see the same Rhumy ,fingers crossed

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Morning all well finnally got my doctor to put in a 2nd oppinion request which i recieved over the last week for june only to recieve a letter this morning saying it had been cancelled and 2nd oppinion refused as i had been accessed iam in so much pain atm from head to toe so appologise for any spelling mistake. Spoke to my doctor who has suggested PALS which i will do today and also she said of i get now were to come bk to my GP and we willsyart from scratch to get a diagnosis .i have neen put on Buprenorphine ptch 5mg for artritis and fibro pain whitch does tke the edge off and pregablin for we hope will take the edge off nerve pain but that just make me sleep sorryfor long rant.appreciate any advice plz.x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to pink123floyd

If you want responses from anyone more than DL or me, you need to post this as a separate new thread so that others see it - it is just the way HU works and only people who actively saved this thread )not many) and the original author get notifications of new comments.

Personally, I would write to the CEO of the Trust as well - PALS are unlikely to achieve anything and it always comes with the risk of them all backing each other up. I think your doctor's idea of starting from scratch is better.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Agree with PMRpro about writing to CEO of Trust, and GP starting from beginning again.

As NHS has refused a second opinion … any chance of trying a private appointment with another one, you can get suggestions for good ones from other members… just raise a new post stating roughly area you can travel … and ask.

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Hi thanks for the reply am in North West merseyside and have spoken to my stroke nurse who is goeing to write on my behalf to the trust, also looking at going private to another hospital even if it is not Templeral Arteritis a diagnosis would be great then i know what im up agaist.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to pink123floyd

Yes you do need to know -good luck with finding a helpful Rheumy

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you.and PMRPro for all the advice

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to pink123floyd

Glad you complained - that is NOT acceptable at any appointment and absolutely not at a first. Did he at least examine you - a proper physical hands on exam?

pink123floyd profile image
pink123floyd in reply to PMRpro

Nope quick run over my head no were near my temples or jaw just shock i asked about Tmd and said i shouldn't know about that.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to pink123floyd

Someone who needs to learn that not having a medical degree doesn't mean you are totally ignorant ...

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