Well!! Looked at the questions & choices! Is it me or is it them! Ah Ha! So much of this crap now! Good day for myself hopefully for you too.
Disappointing Research Study Form On Ear Involvem... - PMRGCAuk
Disappointing Research Study Form On Ear Involvement!

Beautiful garden Pepperdoggie! you are so clever and green fingered!!!
Ta. Dunno about clever! It's just evolved over the years! Inherited my old mans gardening genes. ATB
Never mind that, is that an uneaten hosta I see??
It's a variegated polyanthus. Gave up on the hosta's with the slugs here! Haven for vine weevil too they are.

Ah, is that what is eating all my hostas’ roots off? It’s important for those with PMR/GCA to know 😉
Yes. Munching monsters the larva are. Any plant with soft roots is in trouble. Adult weevils can't fly & crawl about at dusk onwards. You're need a hammer or nutcracker! Tough blighters they are!
Lovely garden,l wish l could get my borders to look like that !Well done Pepperdoggie.Have a good weekend,
Ta. Grants. North facing border many past failures, the old proven ones do the job nicely now. ATB
Your garden still looks summery, as usual here it's barely stopped raining since August, desperately trying to catch up on garden and allotment before outdoor work becomes too soggy!
It's looking better now than in that long dry spell. Not too much to do here now. Mostly the potted stuff. Mind that back & don't overdo it!
Your garden still looks lively. I'm starting to get rid of some pots that look sad. Also writing lists of what to do next year. Maybe we'll both be feeling better 😄
Ta. Good to have that lively look & some forward planning. Watering pots can be boring in a hot Summer. Enjoy the engagement & process of it all though myself. Certainly helps me feel better & looks like yourself too. ATB
Glad you had a better day! Stunning picture. Where is the research questionnaire?
"Research Study: Ear Involvement In Giant Cell Arteritis". Gateshead Health NHS Trust.
Email:susan.pugmire@nhs.net or Tel.0191 4455191. for form.
Has been on the forum a few times asking for more volunteers with GCA. Sent & returned by post. I found it disappointing! Hope you enjoyed your week away.

How did you find it disappointing?

Thank you! I remember now, I dismissed it from my sieve-like brain, because I only have PMR. I do have ear symptoms sometimes though. Sorry that you found it disappointing. Apparently, they have to do these research studies on a wing and a prayer. I sat beside a PHD student at the event who was looking, I think, at the long term impact of steroids on PMR/GCA sufferers.
I thought it narrow in it's questions & possible responses. Like so many of modern polls & feedback. Can't see any useful outcome from it! But of course that's just my personal view! ATB
I know what you mean, no room for sometimes, partially, not exactly, once in a blue moon. Too hard to analyse.
That's it! They are like online" helps" which steer you all over the place & don't have the solution to your problem!!! Rant over! Off to have a stroll up the cut.