Well, more than 3 months after I had the scan I finally got my results today....from my GP!! haven't heard anything from rheumatology, but I was working on the premise of no news is good news!!! Anyway..it is good news!! It was normal and in fact slightly better than 2 years ago!! So I feel justified in persisting with my request for one because now we know! Must admit, i did have a teeny little feeling of smugness when he told me
.....so I don't need the AA and will just carry on with my Adcal and my K2 - all thanks to advice from this forum.
Dexa results..at last!! : Well, more than 3 months... - PMRGCAuk
Dexa results..at last!!

Fantastic news well done for persisting 😁
Persistence pays off.................good for you.
Me 97% after Dexa scan 6 months into pred 60mg. Scans every 18 months to two year and 5 years later off pred and still 97%.
Everyone one of us is different................
Now have you had a Vit D Test?
Hi jinasc, that's great. I couldn't find an actual percentage on my print out though. I had a Vitamin D test before they started me on the AA about 2 years ago but haven't had one since. Do I need another one? I was a bit hit and miss with the AA and finally stopped it around the new year this year when I started to blame it for a lot of the discomfort I was having. Have been better since then.
Well done altywhite, good news!
Your post prompts me to wonder why, oh why don't GPs do Dexa scans to assess BMD at the onset of PMR / beginning of Pred medication etc - to anticipate and pre-emptively manage (or plain eliminate) the standard 'script' for AA with steroids?
But I guess many of Us Lot know the answer to that one!
Either way, glad you got a good result - it must be a great relief and you're entitled to feel 100% smug!
Yes to another Vit D test............we do not make as much Vit D as when we were younger and if it is deficient then it causes aches and pains just like PMR, that is why it is a diagnostic exclusion test.
Think slip, slap, slop, how long do you actually sit in the sun? And where we are situated in relation to Latitude? But don't ask me that question ask PMRpro who explained to me, many years ago, about Latitude and North of Tuscany - as I said don't ask me ask my mate.
Yes, mine did.............both GP and Consultant sang from the same hymn sheet. The funniest thing was, I had to stop the Consultant ordering the Vit D test, it had been done by GP and then when Dexa time came, the GP rang the Rheumy to make sure he had not ordered one as well.
Six months after starting pred.............Dexa scan............then every 18-24 months till pred stopped.
I did not have to push for the Aorta and Pulmonary test - two years down the line. I was just given the date to attend by my Consultant.
Drug salesman push things and give GP's samples. Ever notcied your GPs desk, generally has a basket on it, with little packets etc in it. Constant reminder.
In my eyes, you get given ' just in cases'.
Then they wonder how the drug bill for the NHS is so big and we now have problems with anti-biotics. Me, I am odd, I will forgo the 'just in cases' and wait and see if they are needed, I want what is necessary at that point in time no more, no less.
Have I told you before I was lucky and extremely nosey and curious..................we worked as a 'team' and I had the last say so............my body, my decision. I had and still have some very knowledgable friends.
Great news! Such a dangerous waste of resources, this blanket prescribing anyone would think they were on commission.............🤔
Four months later I am still waiting for my Dexa scan results!

Oh no, I do sympathize rlake. Are you in the UK? If the rheumatology dept ordered it your GP should be able to access the results. Or call your rheumy helpline. I must admit I stopped calling after 3 attempts and, as I said, worked on the premise that no news is good news!! probably not the right attitude, but I knew I'd be seeing my GP at some point and he printed the results out for me. Good luck.
I have rung Consults secretary twice. Surgety have rung and Dr has requested as well! Seeing my Dr tomorrow so hoping he may have them. Will let you know. Am in UK.

Shocking, rlake - it really is
Told the young lady on the phone that 4 months was not accteptable and she said they take a long time to send back the results! Told her my Aunt had hers back in 2 weeks and at same hospital. Also said I wanted them sent for this Friday for Drs appt. We sall see Mark.
If it takes 4 months they may have disappeared into that Midlands store that was discovered. The young lady on the phone would have had a piece of my mind. I didn't work in the NHS for nothing...

Yes rlake. Keep pushing - and making a nuisance of yourself if necessary.
Fingers crossed...

Hi rlake, I live in the Scottish Borders and my dexa result took over 4 months. I ended up getting my result from an orthopaedic surgeon (following a broken ankle) and only because I asked if he could look it up for me.He kindly did and then dictated a letter to my gp while I was there!! My result means I have osteopenia so am now on adcal and alendronic. Bit worrying really isn't it?
Hope you get yours soon!
Thank you. Will see today when at my appt.
Will do. Thank you.
I requested the DXR scan the first week they put me on 60 preds. So that there would be a benchmark I had the scan today - 5 weeks on - and was told results would be with my GP in a couple of weeks. Remarkable really as my first NHS Rheumy appointment is supposed to be 19th July which I decided not to wait for! The nurse asked how long I had been taking D3 for amongst other questions. I got the distinct impression that she has given me the green light to eat ice cream because of the calcium content - great news but there is the downside of the sugar in it!
I decided against AA because I have a terrible reaction to anything with aspartame in it.