Anyone know a good Rheumy in/near Oxfordshire - PMRGCAuk


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Anyone know a good Rheumy in/near Oxfordshire

mmer8625 profile image
25 Replies

Hi, does anyone know a good Rheumy in Oxfordshire. I live south Oxfordshire. I am interested in finding a good private consultant and a good NHS consultant who knows about PMR so I can get there asap. many thanks

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mmer8625 profile image
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25 Replies
jinasc profile image

Professor Raschid Lugmani

Put that into your search engine.

Also Addenbrookes..........

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to jinasc

Addenbrookes Cambridge?? When I was looking for someone for GCA the only Rheumatologist specialising in this area was Natasha Jordan (vasculitis) and if I wanted to see her privately I would have had to go to London which very inconvenient when one is feeling rubbish. I can't find Raschid Lugmani under Addenbrookes.

Ansteynomad profile image
Ansteynomad in reply to jinasc

Or his colleague Dr Shirish Dubey

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer

If driving for an hour is a possibility, there is a highly recommended one at St Peter's Hospital in Chertsey.

podo profile image
podo in reply to Celtic

That's Dr Hughes, I saw him earlier this year even though I had to travel from Salisbury and I would definitely recommend him.

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to podo

That's him, podo. Dr Rod Hughes. He is involved in research into both PMR and GCA, and is also mentor to the support group I run under the auspices of the National Organisation, PMRGCAuk. I'm so pleased to hear your long journey to see him was successful....though not at all surprised, and I do hope that you are continuing smoothly towards remission.

podo profile image
podo in reply to Celtic

15 years on and still trying to rid myself of PMR, as Rod Hughes says "I am one of the 5%"! However, I am putting my experience to good use (I hope) and running the Salisbury PMRGCAuk group.

podo profile image
podo in reply to podo

By the way Celtic, Rod Hughes has a detailed board display on PMR/GCA in his surgery waiting area. Do you know whether this is available in electronic form so that I could share it with the group? I know that he joins the local group on occasions, perhaps you could ask him?

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to podo

I know that Rod displays the newsletters from our group following each meeting, but am not aware of anything else. He isn't due to join us again in the near future but I will enquire of him or his rheumatology researcher and get back to you in the next few days.

Vrissi profile image
Vrissi in reply to Celtic

There is a good informative video by Rod Hughes on PMR (and videos on other conditions) on Youtube

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Vrissi

Had you noticed that this thread is over 5 years old? Sadly, Celtic is no longer with us.

Vrissi profile image
Vrissi in reply to PMRpro

oops! No, sorry!

The problem of, as new this forum, trying to cram in as much understanding of PMR as possible in a short space of time.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Vrissi

It wasn't a criticism - just in case you were upset when you didn't get a reply. DorsetLady and I see every post so you will always get something

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Vrissi

It is an easy thing to do, I have done it too!

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to podo

Oh well done, you, podo with setting up a group in spite of PMR still hanging around after 15 years. There are a few members of our Surrey Group here in Chertsey who are in the same situation, although I suppose that is little comfort to hear that.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to podo

You're older than me. PMR-wise that is.

Do you think we could persuade him to do a study on us? I seem to spent a lot of my life being part of an elite 5%. Less than impressed by this one...

podo profile image
podo in reply to PMRpro

Also in real age I believe, currently a young 78! I do believe however that there is a lot to be gained from case studies of sufferers, whether that is the 5% or more difficult subjects such as causes of PMR (I have my own theory) or how to predict when the disease has burnt itself out in the absence of any reliable markers.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to podo

What's your theory? Out of interest...

podo profile image
podo in reply to PMRpro

In the years running up to retirement my health had always been good with little in the way of medications, then I was diagnosed with enlarged prostate. Over a 5 year period I was given a series of medications:







and then Doxazosin + Finasteride

The Finasteride was then dropped and I have been on Doxazosin ever since.

Although I also moved home and retired during this period (and I know that stress is a potential driver in PMR) I feel that the medical stress imposed by these medications could have contributed to my condition.

I would be interested in your opinion PMRpro.

Hope you enjoyed your Birthday and not too stressed my the weather!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to podo

Multiple medication isn't usually considered - if it were I suspect half of the UK and USA would have PMR! But stress - and its effect on the immune system as a final nail in the coffin (if you'll excuse the term) - very probably.

podo profile image
podo in reply to PMRpro

Bang goes another theory then! In future I'll stick to my developing theory of TOE (Theory of Everything).

jinasc profile image

Put Professor Raschid Lugmani into your search engine. He is located in Oxford and is one of the leading researchers in both PMR & GCA. He has numerous entries for you to read up on.

A close friend has been under his care for the past few years with GCA.

Retailmonkey profile image

I go to Prof Luqumani at the Nuffield Orthopedic in Oxford and get on with him very well. Also good as the dept is one of the leading users of ultrasound scanning for GCA. Would highly recommend him.

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Retailmonkey

Prof Lugmani and Tabul Study. That is the reason for the brilliant use of ultrasound scanning.

mmer8625 profile image

thank you everyone. I am investigating getting to see Professor Lugmani in Oxford. Your input was really useful and appreciated - regards mmer

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