Retraction about Fibromalgia/PMR, see last post - PMRGCAuk


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Retraction about Fibromalgia/PMR, see last post

SnazzyD profile image
16 Replies

Sorry all, I can see why I hit a nerve. If you thought I was saying a few times round the block will cure all those with PMR, try reading it again. This time where I've written PolyM read Fibromyalgia, it may make you feel less misunderstood.

Note to self - No matter how bright you think you are at 6am, it's your pm steroids talking and your interlect is not the rapier sharp tool you think it is. Read it after 9am then send.

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SnazzyD profile image
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16 Replies
markbenjamin57 profile image

Hi SnazzyD

I didn't see or get involved in your other post, but this one is much appreciated.

Users of this forum often have strong views on all sorts of things (understandably!), and sometimes no-one's categorically 'right or 'wrong' - more a matter of opinion / personal experience?

Also, as you say, it can be easy for even the most careful of us to either get the intended meaning wrong / make it ambiguous, or simply make a gaff in haste - especially under the influence of the steroids (or anything else for that matter!).

Your post is very thoughtful and I'm sure will be respected by others here who might have 'prickled' at it!

Best wishes and keep posting... !

MB :-)

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to markbenjamin57

In this case I'm not surprised. Here's this newbie with just GCA telling everyone to go for a run! 😂

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to SnazzyD

Going for a short run wouldn't be a bad idea in my case - feeling like I need to get a bit more exercise now I'm less fatigued! There are a few here who've managed to keep-up a modest amount of running / horse riding etc through the tough bits of PMR / GCA.

Everything in Moderation..? :-)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SnazzyD

Part I think is some people don't understand how different experiences of PMR can be. There have been posts on all the forums from people with a born-again conviction that what they are doing will save the world from taking pred. But it isn't "just" other patients - I've lost count of the people who have been told by their doctor to go out and exercise. Which when you can barely crawl to the kitchen to get a cup of tea is hardly helpful!

I couldn't run - but then, I never could - but I did do aquafit in a warm pool every day Mon-Fri for 5 years with PMR/no pred. I dearly wish I could still do it - but it simply isn't available (no fitness studios of that sort). I can't face the gym and machines plus they costs a small fortune for membership here. And am forbidden to use a "normal" bike. If someone can think of something I can do...

TooSore profile image
TooSore in reply to PMRpro

I found a warm pool/exercise class from a physical therapy place rather than a gym. I worked with the PT for some sessions and now just pay a fee to continue on my own. They take three patients and a half dozen past patients in each class. Maybe look for something similar?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to TooSore

No physical therapy places either - just physios working in an office as far as I know. Relatively little private work done here as the state run healthcare is very good and almost free. There are private trauma units - all at the bottom of ski runs and closed outside the ski season! A private hospital might have a hydrotherapy pool - but it is 70 km to the nearest.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SnazzyD

Meant to say before - I read your post and got exactly what you meant...

SheffieldJane profile image

I wish I could find your post, I want to be offended too!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SheffieldJane

I'm sure you could be if you tried hard enough ;-)

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to SheffieldJane

It wasn't mine. Look for How Can You Tell if You Have Fibromyalgia?

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to SnazzyD

Thanks I found it. I have a Fibromyalgia diagnosis as well as PMR from the first Rheumatologist I saw, before I went to Dr Mackie in Leeds who hasn't mentioned it.

There are occasions when I've had an active day with my daughter's toddler when I feel a pleasant buzzing, as if my circulation has really got going. A complete achey collapse follows later, perhaps the conditions compete?

I have always been sceptical about the Fibro diagnosis though, it felt like a mopping up of the symptoms that didn't quite fit.

Sorry for the facetiousness earlier, it is one of my many faults. I think we've learned a lot from this conversation and the previous one, I certainly have. Thanks.

polkadotcom profile image

I wasn't offended so much as worried! Any new member reading that might wonder what they've got themselves 'alternative' forum? Thank you for making plain your meaning, SnazzyD.

I still can't run round the block and I've got Fibro too - am I doing Fibro all wrong? (Nothing would surprise me, given that my GP refers to me as 'a mystery' in letters to hospital consultants).

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to polkadotcom

Fibro and PMR is a challenging combination indeed and from my uneducated standpoint, the PMR/Pred trumps the Fibro because to over do it has worse consequences. I'm a huge fan of exercise and keeping bodies moving, but personal limits vary massively. Although an exercise program is deemed important in treatment of Fibro, it has to be carefully gauged. When I first got Fibro, it occurred to me that although I hurt all over, my muscles were actually fine if I thought about it. It felt like my pain messages were wrong and this was borne out by what I read. The only other real help was a good night's sleep which I now know meant keeping in deep sleep enough per night. Given that it is seen as a neurotransmitter and sleep disorder, I'm not surprised that those with long standing pain related conditions like PMR get it. I expect the nervous system has forgotten what it is to be operating under normal conditions. What does Pred do to deep sleep patterns I wonder?

You're "a mystery" eh? That's nice. Does that mean you've found the bottom of their fount of knowledge?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SnazzyD

It has to be said that for some doctors that fount isn't particularly deep ;-)

polkadotcom profile image
polkadotcom in reply to SnazzyD

No, I was already there! And as already said, sometimes the fount isn't that deep.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


Don't worry, as MB says things can get misconstrued easily.

Combination of medical and non-medical readers/writers, PredHead, personal opinions, mis-reading what's written, automatic predictive text (urrgh!) plus a myriad of other reasons.

Think sometimes we're all guilty of thinking we know what someone's thought process is - when very often we can't fathom our own!

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