Someone posted the other day about 2 new books about PMR they had found on Amazon. One is about myths in PMR and the other about current research.
Despite a degree of scepticism about this style of book, and because I am wonderful and love you all, I bought the myths one as it was only £4 or so as an ebook (even less really as my daughter funds my Kindle as an ongoing birthday/Christmas present). So here is my opinion:
To be brutally honest - it really probably is not worth the money, you can get everything that is in it free here!! The only plus I could think of is that it is all in one place and by ploughing through it, you will get a longwinded answer about each potential approach.
I suspect this is going to be one of about 20, each with a title linking it to another autoimmune disease! Even within PMR as a subject it was very repetitious. She deals with all the possible alternatives people will think of to try to manage without taking pred: supplements, acupuncture, reiki, massage, diet blah, blah, blah. So, a chapter each and I suspect she wrote one chapter and then went through changing "supplement" to "acupuncture" and adding the odd sentence specifically directed at the subject. Other than that, the same sentiments appeared again and again.
She was at least correct and consistent about her main theme: corticosteroids are the only treatment that works for PMR, none of the alternatives work and trying them may be dangerous because it delays proper treatment and the PMR gets worse.
I can't find much about her at all except she has been a health science writer for years. I think she may be Canadian because there was a mention of Canada somewhere. She mentioned prices in dollars - but not what SORT of dollar - and the obvious sources in the USA like the Mayo but the writing style wasn't I expect from American writers.
If anyone fancies trying the other book do go ahead and tell us what it was like. I didn't select that as it cost more!