Hello all. Hope you can advise please. PMR diagnosed July 2015, GCA October 2015, reducing then a flare last August '16 at 6mgs _ I know now to do the slow DSNS way, thanks! .
Am down to 8 mgs, reducing by half a mg over a 5 week period, having done it that way since I got to 10mgs - no PMR or GCA symptons BUT now have had hip Bursitis over a week.
Had suffered with it 7 years ago, and it finally went after a year after I'd had 3 cortisone injections in it..
It is so painful nothing is helping - even tried Ibuprofen with extra Omeprazole (I have an excellent Pharmacist that knows my history to advise).
What would be your thoughts as to remedy/pain relief, apart from another injection IF I can get a Drs appointment???
Thanks for all the excellent posts.