I was in the garden with my husband this morning intending to do some cutting back around one of our ponds. I had just pulled up an ash seedling when I felt a very sharp sting on my thumb - then another on my arm. That's when I realised that I had disturbed a wasps' nest and they were after me with a vengeance! As I am allergic to their stings, I hurried away as quickly as I could (can't run any more). Luckily my husband realised what was happening and was beating them off me as best he could. They also stung the dog - I don't know if she was more terrified of that or of me screaming every time I was stung. I don't know how many times I was stung, but I have about 8 large swollen areas on me - I think they stung me more than once in some places. I don't think I have ever been so scared. Anyway, anti-histamines, a call to 111, as I then worried about whether I should have taken then with the Pred and a quiet sit down, I am now feeling less in pain and a lot calmer. We were worried about the dog as she was constantly trying to lick her side where she had been stung. My husband looking on the internet noticed that one of the treatments for a bad reaction in dogs noticed that one of the treatments for it was to give them steroids!
Hence the title of my post! Was I lucky to have PMR today! Got to be an up side to it some where.