Hi, thanks guys for all the well wishes! So I went to the ER but here in Canada, the wait times can be ridiculous after 9 hours in the waiting room, I decided to go and then go see my Family doctor until I see my rheumy on the 18th. He did advise me to take low dose aspirin to be on the safe side, and definitely see my rheumatologist she is the best person to see.
Went to ER but got tire of waiting I left after s... - PMRGCAuk
Went to ER but got tire of waiting I left after sitting there almost 9 hours. But went to see Doctor.

Sorry you had to wait 9 hours without seeing a doctor. Glad you were able to talk to your GP. Praying for you until you see your rheumy. I hope you are feeling a little better. Hang in there! Take care.
Thank you it can be so frustrating at the ER sometimes. I absolutely do not like going unless I feel it is my only option and really have to go. There was a lot of ambulances coming in so of course understandably the have priority. They took my blood pressure and temp and they were normal, and I walked in so I guess I didn't look sick enough. Lol
I'm afraid taking aspirin and wait until 18. isn't good enough at all if this is a GCA flare!! I'm a reg. nurse with many years experience from ophtalmology and rheumatology hospital departments. I have seen patients lose vision completely because they waited too long before they came to us! I don't like to scare you, but that is how urgent it can be! And your GP may never have seen a patient with your symptoms before. And ER should NOT have let you wait 9 hours! You should have been prioritized with your symptoms, the way you describe them here. Hope you understand what I'm trying to explain, because I'm Norwegian. I wish you luck! Hope that it isn't as bad as I fear!🤕❤️
Thank you so much for your concern. They took my blood pressure and temp and they were normal. I guess if you don't look absolutely like you are dying and walk into the ER back of the line. I try to avoid going to the ER at all costs because you know it will be an all day event. : (
I hope you feel better! Taking blood pressure and temp is not enough! Of course these tests would be normal! They should at least have taken crp and esr! Don't hesitate to see your gp (or ER ) if your symptoms persist or get worse!!!
And demand that crp and esr must be taken!

misaryk, did you ensure when you arrived at the ER that staff were aware that your condition poses a danger to your eyesight? If so, and you were left waiting 9 hours without help that is a disgrace. Although aspirin might offer some protection against a vascular event such as stroke, I doubt it would do much good in the case of the temporal artery becoming so inflamed that it could lead to large cells blocking the blood vessel leading to the optic nerve. That is what you need to avoid, so an immediate investigation by an expert is needed to ensure that you are not at risk of this and the potentially serious and devastating consequences. Can you contact your rheumatologist and get an immediate appointment? I do hope to hear more reassuring news from you soon - good luck.

Hi misaryk,
Totally agree with others, if it's caused by GCA then you need attention today not in a week's time. As Celtic suggests speak to your Rheumatology dept today, and stress the urgency.
What a horrible experience! Well done for taking the plunge and staying for so long! I agree with the sound advice you have been given on here. Good luck. X
Yes I appreciate all your replies so much. It really does feel like a family on here even though I don't really know you. So much wealth of information and compassion.
I live in the US and just think it's appalling that Canadians have to wait up to NINE HOURS in the emergency room??? We're headed for the same or similiar system down here. So sorry!
Wait times are less a function of funding , and more about bureaucratic bungling. When I broke my leg a couple of years ago I had a very long wait because first responder determined not broken. But when I did get care and correct diagnosis the treatment including followup xrays was first rate and cost me nothing.
If I end up still not feeling right before the 18 th I will definitely go back to the ER, not willing to risk my health for sure. I appreciate all the concern as I am concerned too. I am so grateful to have found you group of people.
Take someone with you and be insistent, particularly if you have any visual symptoms. As Heron says - GCA should be treated as a medical emergency, it is effectively a stroke that affects the blood supply to the optic nerve. And I don't imagine that a stroke victim would have a raised temperature either...
PLEASE, if your symptoms worsen or you have ANY visual disturbance, go right to emergency. If you can, take someone with you to vouch for the urgency of your condition as you may simply be feeling too ill to fight. My eye doctor told me that GCA is treated as urgently as a stroke or heart attack, so you should NOT be put off.