I have seen hip surgeon today, he will not operate until I get down to at least 4 m.g of steroids daily.....I am now on 10.....any advice on how quickly I can reduce. Also he advised taking off at least a stone of the weight I have put on in the last six months. Easy words from a doctor but so hard to achieve. All advice welcome.
Hip surgery: I have seen hip surgeon today, he will... - PMRGCAuk
Hip surgery

Hi Jeanjean,
Much as you, and your hip surgeon want a quick reduction, afraid the answer is - there isn't a fool-proof one! If there was, we would all be on it!
If you try and reduce TOO quickly, all that likely to happen is your PMR will flare up, and just set you back.
There are some contributors who have had operations whilst on differing amounts of Pred, so hopefully you will get some positive responses about the levels they've been at, and armed with more info, perhaps you could negotiate with the surgeon. But that all depends on his attitude, if it's set in stone then there is little you can do. As you say, losing weight is also difficult if your hip stops you exercising. Perhaps you should discuss with your GP, you may be able to come to a comprise if the medical people see you are trying - hope so!
Sorry can't be more positive.
I am also desperate for a hip replacement. My hip pops out frequently and pain is appalling all the time. I am on 14/13 pred daily. They want me down to 10. at 13 my back, neck and arms start up.
Yeah, right!

Look for a different surgeon. There are surgeons who will operate on 10mg - not least because you need to be able to mobilise afterwards and if you have PMR and 4mg is not enough to manage it (and it very likely won't) you won't be able to move. He is being unreasonable - why does he think you have put on weight and does he imagine you WANT to be on pred?
One lady I know was operated on (at Addenbrookes I think) when on 10mg. She had been told by her GP she was too young for a hip replacement and he wouldn't refer her so first she went for a single private appointment and was then placed on the NHS list as urgent. It is worth writing to several surgeons who do private work, explaining why you are asking, and ask them if they will operate at 10mg.
I was told no op until down to 10mg - I was on 15mg at the time. The pain got so bad I was more or less immobilised, and then the surgeon said he would do the op at 12mg - I was down to 12.5 when he said ok! He said at that level it wouldn't make much difference anyway...negotiate or get another surgeon..