Hello dear ones worldwide.
Just to say I finally settled down after my temporal artery biopsy which is 7 weeks ago and still healing well.
The sudden reduction of steroids after negative histology to GCA almost sent me off my head - my legs and arms trembled and I wanted to hide in the cupboard - this was terrible and know for future reference. My Rhumy apologized to me for not suggesting I take it slower being as I have a very sensitive system. He said that's what they do for asthmatic's.
Cardiologist visit as per last post was to sort out my breathlessness - echocardiogram revealed the following:
1. Mild regurgitation in both mitral and tricuspid valves.
2. L atrium mildly dilated at 4.2cm.
All other areas fine in accordance with his letter, heart presently stable in his opinion.
This news came as a shock to me - have had open heart surgery 1988 to correct genetic ASD (atrial septal defect) which my Mother had.
Didn't ask any more questions as I needed to quietly process the news in my own time.
I go back to have 24hour halter monitor fitted for my b/p was raised at time so hope to ask him more questions.
Can anyone comment on my new symptoms please? The thought of more open heart surgery further down the tracks fills me with dread.
Could the changes to my valves be PMR related and/or steroid related and could these valves heal once off steroids?
My husband & I did have a terrible norovirus last February which we were hospitalized overnight for and wonder if this had some bearing on my valves too?
No sign of having had Rheumatic fever he said after I asked.
My reduction of Hydrocortisone going well, tapering 2.50mg every 14 days - very slow & my body coping well. I am proud to say now 1mg down thus far.
Any feedback most appreciated on heart issue please - didn't sort the breathlessness & not related to these symptoms he believes.
Mean't to say that lung fields were clear and my resting ECG as usual shows T wave inversion in the anterior leads which has been since last heart surgery.
Oh......... by the way when asked how on earth I could have these heart issues was told its just ageing end of story.
I had to bite my tongue hard, how convenient to say this and not offer any other theories!!
I am just early 60's and was fit and healthy (albeit stressed) prior to PMR.
Blessings to you all in the hope that your weekend has been enjoyable where possible.