Do you think it is good or bad to get the flu shot, heard they are study as a lot of people apparently came down with it after a flu shot and not sure if it could be related? Always get it, but thinking twice this year.
GCA and flu shots: Do you think it is good or bad... - PMRGCAuk
GCA and flu shots

Hi cassey,
have had it for the last 7 or 8 years, initially because my husband had heart problems and I was his carer, latterly due to GCA etc. have to say never had any adverse effects , and have booked for this year. It's a matter of choice of course, but I don't fancy having flu as well as everything else. If you're worried talk to GP or Practice Nurse.
Thanks, just seems like it was days later when could barely walk into the dr. office had PMR so bad Oct. and biopsy for GCA Dec 2014. Probably will get it. Been really careful with hand sanitizers, alcohol preps, and crowds, LOL

Yes, you should have the shot.
There is no direct link between autoimmune disease and flu shots although for some people it may have been the final straw that broke the camel's back and sent their immune system round the bend!
I, like many others, developed PMR without ever having had a flu shot, I was too young to qualify in the UK. Since I have lived in Italy I've had it every year - never had a problem. The only problem arose the year my husband didn't get his. He has dodgy lungs and had bronchitis at the time and forgot to go back. He caught flu and developed pneumonia which took nearly 6 months to clear fully.
I had my flu shot on Fri. morn, Fri night I was very restless with aches and pains, I took a couple of paracetamol's which made no difference, I have been tapering my steroids and was down to 10 mgs, however I couldn't stand the aches/pains any longer so upped my dose to 11mgs, and what a difference, I assume the flu shot started a flare ? yet last year I was fine, but the year before that I had the same problem with a flare, probably because the vaccine differs every year.
Get the shot. Just make sure it's a dead virus. And, you don't get the flu from the shot unless you're already on the way to getting it before the shot.
For me at the moment - I think the jury is out. x
I am not having it this year. Don't know what doc will say, don't care. I am sure last years gave me PMR and I still cough, still have bad rhinitis, swollen glands and bladder probs which I have never had in my life before.
Very cross.
I had my flu shot last week feeling fine ,I am on 10 mgs Alice