Hi to my trusty network helpers.
Winter is here in NZ (officially today) although had cold snap last 2 weeks. Day time temps not as bad as yours in UK but Auckland about 14 to 15 degrees which was a bit drop.
Prone to being sensitive to wind chill with upper respiratory issues in winter prior to PMR.
Since being on my meds note that in the last week when out walking in cooler air I have succumbed to what seems like another chill.
This time I have felt I can not breathe as well as I should - is slowly improving but haven't used an inhaler since my last pneumonia about 6 years ago which usually creates mild asthma.
Was asthmatic as a child when had cold but fortunately grew out the worst of it in my teenage years.
Any suggestions please as I will remain a hermit this winter - I wrap up warmly, hat, coat scarves etc.
I now do my exercise indoors but took advantage of the sun being out albeit briefly last week...........
Also hair has thinned on top (probably meds) and that does not help my cause one bit either.
I think I may have read somewhere on this site that our meds (mine 30mg Hydrocortisone) can effect the lungs?
Thank you all in advance.