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Pelvic Pain Support Network

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All posts for April 2012

Help, no-one seens to know what wrong with me! Dermoid cyst, endo or chronic pelvic pain

Hi everyone, this is very long winded but I am desperate so please read and tell...
Eggcustard profile image

Anyone know a teenager with endometriosis ?

I read this and the comments and thought it worth posting on here as there are m...
PPSN_JudyB profile image
Pelvic Pain Support Netwo

Missed endometriosis and possible PCOS

So last Feb 2011 I had a lap and nothing was found. Can endo be missed while on...
Furmummy2x profile image
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does anyone know how many people suffer with pudendal neuralgia in britian? (estimate)

catfish profile image

pelvic pain

i am in more pain than what i was when all this started. i am on so many pain ki...
chez31 profile image

i am 49 and havent had a period for over a year still have endo symptoms is this common ?

Ive had laser to remove Endometriosis and cyst also had Zoladex implant which ha...
Hidden profile image


I have been diagnosed with adhesions after several months of investigation and h...
Miche profile image

Interstitial Cystitis

Hey, does anyone here have this condition and if so how do they help you control...
Elsbeth profile image