(Post from:pudendalnerve.com.au/2012/0...
So, you think you can see pain hey? Or rather your understanding is, if you don’t see it then it’s not there? Please read on because people like you drive me a little batty…
Now I’m going to need to prepare the ignorant readers because they truly are in for a rude shock… so ignorants, grab yourself a chair or lean somewhere and make sure you have a glass of water on hand. For those in pain and who understand and know exactly what I’m about to say then prepare to feel the load lift and the great sense of relief. Enjoy the moment, feel the empathy coming your way and most importantly, get ready to hit that share button.
Ok so some of you have cheated and glanced further down and read my big announcement, my shock news… ignorants, I hope you were prepared and are still standing.
“Pain is invisible!!!”
I know, I know, it’s shocking and many won’t believe it, ever, but it’s true. (People who understand can tune out now but ignorants- you obviously need convincing so read on and don’t groan and ‘nts’ me!)
Seen me smiling? It hurts. Seen me having coffee with a friend? It hurts. Seen me walking up the street? It hurts. Seen me having a glass of wine? It hurts. Seen my online social activity? It hurts doing that. Heard I went away for the weekend? It hurts… more. Did I email you? It hurt. Were we having a conversation about the weather? It hurt. Did you read my latest post? It hurt putting it together. Did you see my latest art piece? It hurt making it. Did you assess me and express your surprise that I was in nice clothes (and your disapproval because you had to help me put my nice boots back on)? It hurt, (and you’re an idiot!). In fact it all hurts and most of the time.
On the rare occasion it doesn’t hurt it means I’m on the other side of a bad day (because on a bad day you rest, so then you have a good day… but on the good day, you get excited and more active so you end up back at a bad day, so the pain routine is like this: Good day bad day, a bad day then a good day, and on and on it goes, and actually its been that way for me for 5 years in fact!
Obviously many will relate to my anxt, it’s not just physical pain that is invisible. And all sarcasm aside, I’m calling out for awareness and less judgement with some understanding on top. I believe, like me, people in pain do what they can when they can and they do it the best they can. They don’t want to be in pain, it’s not convenient, and smiling or ‘normal’ activity is an enormous effort to cover a monster (well that’s what I’m doing).
So ignorants I hope you learned something from this post. If you haven’t, leave a comment and I’ll clarify further but be warned to turn your censorship on because I’m going to let verbally loose on you!
And just in case you didn’t get it… how about a demonstration: