Every couple of months, we plan to bring you a roundup of the coverage of pelvic pain in the news.
Today’s roundup contains a slew of interesting topics from the need for a greater understanding of the clitoris/brain connection; surprising news about male pelvic pain and IC; and pelvic floor-friendly bike riding.
Understanding Clitoris-Brain Link could Help with Pain
brain clitoris connection
The Brain-Clitoris Connection
Shockingly, in the age of modern medicine, we know very little about the clitoris, especially how it communicates with the brain. Why is this important? Because having this understanding would offer a key to unlocking the mysteries of chronic pelvic floor and sexual pain.
So writes Dr. Anne Fausto-Sterling, Brown University biology professor, in an article published on the Huffington Post on June 21, 2012.
To read the rest of the News Roundup, click on the link below: