Just wondered if anyone has had successful ( for me this would simply mean not painful/nothing to do with enjoyment or not but not painful) intercourse either anally or vaginally when this is against your physios advice?
Take 100mg amitriptyline daily but still in pain, pelvic floor muscle still tight but sometimes i can release somewhat.
physio for 3 years not got anywhere despite practising 5/7 days of the week.
My dads just died and its kind of made me want to go stuff it im going to gently carefully try it. (partner of 7 yrs)
done mindfulness for pelvic pain course
really struggle to focus when doing physio- think i have adhd as does my pelvic pain psychologist but getting diagnoses is a nightmare - might try again next year
have mild asthma
relatively physically fit but sugar intake can sometimes be high.
dont relax or feel good with my physiotherapist she stresses me out for some reason but we only have one at my local hospital so
previously tried dialtors and got up to the second smallest but then advised to stop as was in intense pain stopping sleep etc.