Hi Followers and Everyone,
It's been over a month since my embolisation and I'm slowly getting there as I now get good and bad days. On those bad days I try to remind myself the embolisation is still working.
Hi Followers and Everyone,
It's been over a month since my embolisation and I'm slowly getting there as I now get good and bad days. On those bad days I try to remind myself the embolisation is still working.
I had an embolization followed by a myometomy nearly 2 years ago now I had 6 large fibriids removed the largest 10 cm the rest where between 6 and 7 cm. Everything went well after 2 months my permission went back to normal and alot knighted however during a internal camera scan they couldn't find the entrance to my tubes so after more tests the found that due to the surgery my tubes and ovaries dropped. My main reason for the surgery was cos I wanted to have a child and as the fibriods grew so large I couldn't use my bladder without a permanent catheter in. As a result my chances of have a child is no longer available to me. However the reason for this happening could b down to the fact my surgery was so evasive and the fibriods caused alot of damage to my internal organs I now also have 2 more fibriods growing already. Make sure after everything has all settled get all the scans and tests available to u unfortunately due to covid I couldn't get back in the hospital for my routine follow ups quick enough to find the damage had all ready been done