I was taking Gabapentin for about 2-3 weeks and started to notice issues with memory. It became such a problem I stopped taking it. I know Lyrica can also cause that issue as well. Had anyone been in this situation where they switched to Lyrica and had no memory issues? My PT said I should try Lyrica as it may not affect me the same way but I'm skeptical. I already take Ritalin so the last thing I need are problems with my memory. But Gabapentin did make a difference in my nerve pain so not sure what other drug options there are.
Memory and Gabapentin/Lyrica Question - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Memory and Gabapentin/Lyrica Question

I had the same issues and a lot more on Pregabaline/Lyrica.
So was there something else you've been able to take?
I've been advised by my surgeon, after 2 years of severe nerve pain and 3 operations, to take Gabapentin as best option.After reading this.. now very unsure whether to start taking it! Can I ask how old you are please and whether you take any other painkillers as some like Co- codamol do make you extra tired I've found.
Found Naproxen,Ibroprufen and paracetamol when needed best.Pelvic yoga exercises really help too
Hi, My memory is shot to pieces from the Gabapentin and amitriptyline. I'm afraid I have come to the opinion that it is what it is if I can remain fairly free of pain. My hubby gets so frustrated with me as we can be in the middle of conversation and I forget what we were talking about its that bad. May be try amitriptyline or Duloxetine. I was given this as an anti depressant but is generally used as an analgesic. Speak to GP or pharmacist, they may well have some other ideas for treatment.