Cluneal nerve entrapment. Already have pudendal neuralgia. Thank you!
Any treatments that work for a trappe... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Any treatments that work for a trapped cluneal nerve? Really painful when sitting.

Hello I too have pudendal neuralgia can you please tell me how you were diagnosed with cluneal nerve entrapment I looked it up and I too have pain in this area..can you tell me what test you were given?
Hello. So sorry to hear you have pain from your pelvic nerves. You mention cluneal nerves, how was this diagnosed? I believe I have this too but no one seems to know anything about it in Toronto.
I hope you can get the correct treatment and start to feel better soon.
Hi, went to a neurologist, who thought my symptoms - nerve pain in one spot on lower buttock, was indeed a nere, being pressed on by a tendon. Couldn’t identity which nerve it was. Do you think your pain is different from PN pain? I think this new pain came on from too vigorous stretching and carrying something heavy. At the time I had a little back pain and then a strange sensation of a nerve end moving around in the area - like the end of a wire scratching inside . So frustrated as PN seemed manageable and now this new thing, which may or may not be PN related. What is your pain like? How did it start? What does your intuition say it is? Nerve pain is such a difficult one to diagnose and treat! Would have a nerve block but waiting until after COVID vaccine.
Thank you for responding so quickly.
I have been to numerous doctors and therapists. No one has anything definitive to give me a diagnosis. I just think it might be cluneal nerves because of the location at the end of my buttocks. I've had a nerve block for pudendal nerve but it actually increased my pain for about a month afterwards and has given me no relief.
I'm continuing with PT and hoping to get answers.
I hope you get your vaccine soon. Meanwhile, stay safe.
Hi, please would you be able to let me know which neurologist you saw? I have PN and I am in the UK and the one I was referred to only deals with central nervous system problems. I definitely have a nerve issue in one leg, but am a loss as to how to get it identified.