after having surgery for a bladder and rectal prolapse plus a tot (transobutrator tape) back in 2012 I was left with chronic pain there after for life. Miss elneil in London removed the tot (mesh) in 2013 but I still continue to live with pain . Nothing miss el Neil did, it was the surgeon who did the whole thing in the first place. Tried to sue him for this horrific pain he left me in but like so many other ladies we got nowhere with it. What I want to know is there any thing that's any good to help with this mild prolapse I have gotten again. I've heard the keegal 8 ok but a lot of money especially if it doesn't help in any way.After the experience from the surgery before its not what I want to go through again. any ideas anyone please
mild prolapse again: after having... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
mild prolapse again

Sorry to hear about your surgery and continuing problems. I don’t have any ideas as to what you can do about your prolapse but I understand more action is being taken now with regards to complaints about mesh surgery. Who was your surgeon?
I haven’t had any surgery myself, although it’s been suggested I should do, but I have been managing symptoms of intersussepcion and rectocele by using an irrigation system (peristeen or qufora). I don’t (yet) have a bladder prolapse so can’t offer any suggestions for that.
I hope you find something that helps.
Best wishes.
Have you asked to be fitted with a pessary ? I have one, took about 4 before I got the right one, but am back to normal . I do legals with FEMFUSION on YouTube. Dr. Bri.
Sorry to hear about your mesh problems. I had anterior repair & hysterectomy in 2013. Then I developed a rectocele. I tried a kegel machine (not sure it did much more than wake my pelvic floor muscles up). Like you I didn't want to use a pessary but some ladies get on very well with them. In the end I decided to go for more surgery. I recently had a posterior repair, sacrospinous fixation & perineum repair (no mesh). Too early to tell if any of this has worked but I'm feeling better than I thought I would after all that work.
Apart from my urogynaecologist the best advise I had was from a specialist female physiotherapist who I saw privately but was worth the expense.
Good luck.
I’ve had that op and it has been a success. Six months on still in pain and suspect left with painful bladder . I’m not doing a lot and can’t stand for long. The pain radiates down my urethra and inside of legs when bad. I’m very depressed and hope things will improve with time