I've dealt with increased urinary frequency for about 20 years. Just recently, I've begun to (think I've) figured out the cause -- magnesium. Anything I eat with high levels of magnesium seems to be a trigger. It's not as easy as just avoiding such foods. Does anyone else have this experience and/or found a treatment? Thank you!
New here, concerned about magnesium/u... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
New here, concerned about magnesium/urination

I had urinary frequency and thought I might have a UTI, but was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (IC). It often goes hand in hand with pudendal neuralgia (PN) which I've had for over 4 years now. There are over the counter products that help with the frequency ( AZO makes one) , and I've found it as well as other products on Amazon (Bladder Ease has helped). I don't even get up at night to go to the bathroom anymore! Hope this helps
Thank you for your recommendations, I have frequency
I can go to the loo 12times before I can sleep. I had a urodinamics test which proved okay. I take magnesium supplements every night, thinking it might help. The consultant was not very helpful and said it could be psycological. she was not empathetic to the misery of this condition. How are now?
I have the same thing and read about magnesium helping with that and also constipation all it did was irritate the hell out of my bladder and did nothing for constipation. I tried several different types too.