The last time I posted I was havind a great deal of back issues( L4L5 ) are out of place by an inch, pressing on the nerves that go to the rectum. This causes a burning feeling in my rectum and sometimes my leg. I finally had a simple exray by a chiropractor to find this problem. I was already seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist to deal with the muscles so tight on the left of the of pelvic floor. Particularly the levitor ani muscle on the left side.
I spent last week in the hospital because the nerve pain was becoming unbearable. I though I was loosing my mind,.
I was put on 600mg of Gabapentin twice a day and each day for a week it was titrated up until it reached 1800mg/day. It seem to help a little.
Saw my gp who said I could go higher. 3600mg is the max.
My question is “ do I keep seeing the chiropractor and pt. It costs me $260.00 a week to see them both. Neither one will give a time frame when things will be fixed. It could be weeks, months or years.
Which one is causing the problem? My back or my pelvic floor or is it a combo of both. I can’t afford $1000.00/month. I don’t know what to do. Any suggestions are welcome . Thank you to this wonderful group. Very strong and great people you are. N