Fed up with pain had the coil fitted 2wks ago and keep getting pain on my right side not constantly but every 10 to 15 mins and it makes me bent over plus pinky on the tissue after going to the toilet it's so draining has anyone got any suggestions for me cos new to this coil thing..
Pain : Fed up with pain had the coil... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
I had the coil fitted about 4 months ago. The pain is your body adapting to having what it thinks is a foreign object in it. I had alot of cramping and bleeding and i contacted my doctor who said it takes up to 6 months to settle. I still bleed and get pain but it has eased. If it gets to bsd go back but id say 2 weeks is still quite fresh so could all be normal.
Take care. X
It's up to you. When I had my copper IUD I had that for 8 months and it never settled. I didn't have pain but it never felt right, I was always aware of something being there, like my cervix was being aggravated.
I went to my GP who took it out for me - what a relief!
I would say a little discomfort is normal but pain is not normal. I'd get it checked.
Best wishes 💗
Is it a normal coil or mirena? I have a normal coil, have been using them for about 15 years now, I had a mirena first and it never settled, tried three in an 18 months stretch but it never suited me, they are slighter larger than a copper iud so not for everyone plus the hormone made me crazy!
The best one I have had is now, I had it fitted last September under anesthetic while having an endoscopy, I've never had children so the pain having it fitted it is excruciating! This time was great, I had the usual discomfort but it settled down quickly and it's the first one that I can't feel at all. Anyway, give it another month or so,but keep an eye on that pain on the right side, I've had that for years and they always dismissed it at the drs, turned out I have severe pelvic venous congestion, it's almost always on the right side. Did you have the pain before?
Yeah it's a mareina coil....yeah I had the pain before. They was investigating with a camera first then fitted the mariena under anasetic
I will say that 2 weeks isn't nearly long enough yet though, give it 2 cycles and see how it is then