Hi, I'm a 59 year old male whose pain began after a difficult prostatectomy four years ago. Can someone update me on Dr Robert in Nantes-- all the posts are quite dated. How long out does he schedule? Has anyone gone and not had the surgery? Also, anyone seen A Lee Dillon in Las Vegas or Maryland? I haven't sat in 18 months, pain is intolerable, and something has to give. Thanks, peter
Questions on pn decompression surgery - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Questions on pn decompression surgery

There are 2 of us on here that have had surgery with Dr Dellon. Me and Susan1. She had hers 5 weeks ago, I had mine almost 3 weeks ago. We are both doing much better, healing, nerves still a bit jumpy,b not the original pudendal nerves add he removed them and implanted them in obutor muscle. Still post surgery pain. Wet are both doing water therapy now. I recommend you contact him!@
Did he confirm diagnosis before surgery with a successful PN block?
And, if I may ask, what did he say was the problem?
I had a Pudendal nerve block and had complete relief for an hour. Then second nerve block worked for a week and a half. Third nerve block a few days relief and numbness for four days with radio frequency pulse therapy. Week 6 recovery from surgery and my swelling is going down. I believe I will be able to return to work in two weeks. Water walking in therapy pool is a must to get off the medications. It will calm down your nervous system. I had two neuromas of the perineal branches of the Pudendal Nerves. Dr. Dellon put them in the obteratur muscle so they wouldn't cause problems. He is a genius and he answers all my questions via email. The plus side if you go this route is he is a plastic surgeon as well. I thanked him for doing such good work. The scars are blending in and everything healed really well. I am also on the SCD diet to make sure I don't have any extra inflammation.
I called bawling my eyes out on a Friday night in September and flew out for a consultation a couple weeks later. My pain was through the roof. A month later I had the surgery.
I have no regrets.
I just got back from Las Vegas. Now it's either send my son to college or pay $35k for surgery -- or fight the insurance co. Thanks. Please update me and all of us when you can.
Sahlns, for me I had no choice. Presurgery, I couldn't walk up an incline , or sit, and the medication route I couldn't accept. The first 4 weeks after surgery was not easy. But the toothache pain for me and the radiating pain down my leg was gone. The new pain from surgery hurt and the Nerves moved also hurt. But now I will be able to sit and work. As the swelling goes down it gets better. Of course it depends how much medication you take. I went off medication Dec 25th. Then the next 3 days I took advil and 2 glasses of wine in the evenings. I am on Advil when needed now. . The pain I have left is annoying but I am going to ride it out the next 2 weeks . I am sitting in a chair off and on to get used to it before I return to work. I don't want any surprises.
I would say you need 8 weeks to heal. Then expect off and on pain. But we will see after 8 weeks. I will keep posting.
I'm scheduled with Dr. Dellon for Fubruary 1. For the record, I suffered a nerve-damaging radical prostatectomy and a second surgery for cancer that save my life but left me eviscerated. That was four years ago, and the pain came on slowly over the first two years. The medical profession once again showed its incompetence in funneling me a colorectal surgeon who performed a hemmorhoidectomy, further damaging the area. Now, Dellon will perform a resectioning of the rectal branch of the PN, which I hope and pray will result in yet another miraculous result achieved by this highly-reputed surgeon.
Thanks, Susan and peiper, for reporting on your healing. We would all appreciate a weekly update, and I promise to do the same, since the more people know about the success (or failure) of this extraordinary doctor (who really does have a proprietary method in how he approaches this, in striking opposition to Robert and the Nantes team).
Courage, as the French say, to all.
Perhaps, if my fight with the insurance company doesn't turn out well. But I'm committed to fighting, and my brother-in-law is literally that, a lawyer, and we'll take this thing to court as necessary!
I just got really cold feet. My neurosurgeon said she wouldn't send her brother to him, but to Robert in Nantes. Did you choose between the two?
Did you see Dr. Dellon
Would you please comment on your experience?
No, as I said, I got cold feet, since my neurosurgeon said she thought it very unwise, and has seen several of his patients afterwards to fix the damage
I am so disappointed and discouraged. I read Dr. Dellons book and it seemed that the buttock pain was innervated by the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve and its inferior branch. He described how he cuts the inferior branch and removes only that part. I had not read that elsewhere.
He also explained how the pudendal nerve cannot cause buttocks pain because it does not go to that area.
Sahlns does your neurosurgeon routinely do pudendal surgery? Did you ask her how many she has done?
she's only done 13 or so.
You mentioned that Dr.Dellon was going to remove the rectal branch of the pudendal n. But if you are having sitting pain would it not be the posterior femoral nerve and the its inferior branch that is the culprit according to Dr. Dellons drawings in his book.
Is your pain only in the buttocks? If so where in the buttocks? My pain corresponds to the nerve above as it is lateral to the sits bone in the inner bottom of my butt.
I also had a prostatectomy 9 years ago but I don't think that is my problem.
Susan1-2 and Peiper
Could you give us an update on how you are doing and your opinion on your experience with the surgery since it has been a few months?
It's rectal pain that stops me from sitting.
It sounds different than mine in that my pain is next to the rectum but near the sits bone. I guess you need to go into the pudendal nerve, rectal branch.
I was hoping he could just do the posterior femoral inferior branch.
I was looking at the society of peripheral nerve and I think Dr. Dellon is the only one that does this type of surgery. Most neurosurgeons do not know much about this area or have very few patients that they worked on. So it is unfortunate that you cannot get second opinions without going to France. That is unbelievable.
Did you have to have the pudendal nerve ,perineal branch treated for rectal symptoms. Where was your pain inside or on the buttock area. I think mine is just skin of the buttocks. Some times it is so bad that my left leg aches. Was your problem similar?