So, I haven't been posting to much on here lately. I had my second round of radio ablation. 4 days post procedure, I went to see my specialist in Philadelphia. I probably shouldn't have gone. He examined me, and it appeared that the procedure didn't work. So, at this point. I've lost all hope. I'm trying to stay positive. I'm finacially in debt everywhere. The phone never stops ringing from ppl I owe. I didn't leave my bed today at all. I just feel like my life has no purpose anymore. If it wasn't for the people around me who love me I don't think I would be laying in this bed right now. I can't take this pain anymore. I've done just about everything there is to get out of it. It's like the buck stops here. I'm tired of taking medication. I'm tired of feeling the side effects from them when they don't really work for this horrific burning nerve pain. I'm tired of not being able to walk and sit and have a life. I'm just tired of everything. I have had enough. Just tired of it all. 😔
I'm feeling hopeless. I can't take it... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
I'm feeling hopeless. I can't take it anymore.

Hi Debra, I understand your frustration and pain. Don't give up hope. We can beat this!
Debra, I have been fighting this horrible condition for 9 years. I have tried everything except cryoablation and no one recommends surgery. I am so over it the words don't come any more. Except for a couple months in the beginning from working part time to full time. I have travelled to another state several times. I ask God to help me through it and he does. It doesn't take the pain away but it sure helps from going completely bonkers. I am having cryoablation next week and caw of wait to see if it helps. Hope and prayers
I am so sorry you're suffering so much!! I have been struggling for over 7 years. I have felt like this, after being in bed for years. Just getting up to go to the bathroom. Skipping eating because it hurt too much to go to the kitchen. You didn'the say where your pain is. I have pudendal neuralgia. And I have obturator neuralgia. I have flown all over the US to have various procedures. Botox injections helped for a very short time. And sometimes I got rebound pain. The injections are extremely painful. I went through them anyway, just for relief for maybe even a week (not full relief). I was told by 3 different doctors to get the interstim. I was reluctant because many had told me that it didn't help or they got worse. I researched the interstim. Not much out there to look at. The trial helped. I could sit longer. So I had it permanently installed. It's not perfect. My pain has dropped from a 9 to a 5. I do still have to take pain medicine. I understand - I really don'the want to take anything either. The side effects are awful. My interstim is directly to the pudendal nerve. Many put it to S2, S3, or S4. I feel like we have to be the experts. Sometimes I know more than the doctors. It is not a good position to be in. My pain will still spike. My muscles have atrophied. I have started PT. I get some good pain now, sore muscles. Unfortunately it is a slow go because PT also sets off bad pain. My therapist is using dry needling and I am amazed at the relief that offers. I have one spot that hurts real bad. I was thinking of getting it abated. Doesn'the sound like it was helpful. Hang in there, my family is the reason I am still alive too.
Hi Debra, failed treatments are soul destroying to live with. It's natural to feel very down about it all. The journey with this nerve pain is like a roller coaster! Be kind to yourself, rest and relax, your body has been through a lot and needs recovery time. I have spent much of the last week in bed too, depression creeps in very quickly. Hold on to the fact that this will pass, it's just a down on the roller coaster, the next up is just round the bend. Hang in there for your family. 'This too shall pass' is my mantra. Keep talking to us all, every one of us understands how you feel.

I just saw your response to me. Thank you so much for that. Deb
What kind of pain do you have & what have you tried?