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kelledee 41 minutes ago 0 Replies
Oh well I go into hospital on Monday for my right salpingo -oophorectomy and adhesiolysis to say I'm worried is an understatement, I'm 36 I haven't had no children yet but I would like to try later on but my consultant says I could end up having eptopic pregnancys so to think about having my left tube clipped. I don't want that done. So many things going through my mind as I'm a big girl I'm worrying I won't wake up so I've written letters to my family and friends, I'm having dreams of dying and what my funeral will be like. Part of me can't wait for Monday to come as I've been waiting 6 months but the other part of me is dreading it, I have a blocked kidney as well I have a stent fitted at the moment but they say the tubes r still blocked and the stent is not working so that is another thing that is worrying and my work being on my back as I'm not in work. I'm hoping thy operate keyhole and I can get back to work for Christmas but they say they might have to open me up which means 3 months recovery I will loose job if that happens. I can't sleep I can't switch my mind off I know the complex turbo ovarian abscess is normal and a lot of women have them, but the hydronephrosis blocked kidney I'm just wondering if anyone has had this