I finally had an appointment at the Pelvic Pain Clinic at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary this week and was very relieved by the empathy and understanding of the two consultants I spoke with. They did talk about trying to remove the mesh that was inserted in a TVTO two years ago but we agreed this would probably not help and could cause more problems. They are now working with an anaesthetist at the hospital who has developed some expertise in carrying out ultra sound guided steroid injections into the nerve so they are referring me to him and I should have my first two injections in September. I am also to see a Pain Psychologist who works as part of the team there. I'm not sure how I feel about that as the anger I feel about what has happened to me is quite legitimate and I feel justified in directing some of that to the surgeon who carried out the operation.
I know I'll be anxious on the day of the injections but I must give it a go as the medication doesn't resolve the problem totally. I have read lots about the injections and I know they don't work for everyone but I'm thinking positively about it. Wish me luck!