Hello I am new to this group.I had a Liver Transplant in 2001 18 years ago.cause from Primary Biliary cirrhosis lately my Alkaline Phosphatase and GGT level been running little high.Have done a MRI and had a EGD done all was ok.So they put me on (Ursodiol) 300 Mg three times a day.see if that will bring them down.Now it is making me itch not real bad thou.Been taking Benadyl tablets.anyone else had this problem.Thanks
Ursodiol: Hello I am new to this group.I... - PBCers Organization

I broke out all over for the first 6 months that I took it, but now seems to be ok. Hope you get some relief soon.

Typically a PBC patient will stay on ursodiol therapy for life, even post transplant. PBC is considered an autoimmune disease and lives within our body, even after a transplant. While some post transplant patients will develop PBC again, it is usually "mild" and rarely leads to the need for another transplant.
Itching is something that can come and go at any stage of PBC. Hopefully you are one that the itch goes away quickly never to return!
Thank you ! Yes the itching went away within 2 days.Only been taking it little over 2 weeks.Get blood work done in 2 more weeks see if GGT and Alkaline Phosphatase comes down.Dont mind taking it forever if it keeps me well.Been 18 years since transplant this first time they have been high.Have you had a Liver Transplant if so how are you doing and agin thanks for the reply.