hi, does anyone else have this problem? When I have a bath the bits which are still dry (my upper arms and face) go lobster red. I thought it was the heat of the water so next time had a tepid bath and the same happened! I also find that the muscles in my arms and legs sometimes act like they have been pulled and then just return to normal. This has just started occurring over the past couple of months and I wonder if this is yet another odd symptom of pbc
Going red in bath: hi, does anyone else have... - PBC Foundation
Going red in bath

Sorry can't help with the redness but I also experience the muscle 'pulling' sensation which can last for a few moments or minutes. In my case I would say it was as if the muscles are seizing up rather than being pulled. I had medication for this which seemed to help but I am reluctant to take any meds if I can avoid it so gave it up.I don't know what causes it.but it could just be another symtom of PBC which comes and goes?
Do either of you do any exercise? It may help to do a little weight training. Using low weights is very effective as long as you execute the exercise properly. I don't have the muscle pulling thing but I do weight training 2-3 hours each week so it may help?!
I work a lot round our small holding which keeps me busy. The muscle 'pulling' is new as is the redness in the bath. I also have had a very sore shoulder blade and my knee recently locked. Consultant in A&E also said there is some muscle wastage round that knee. I feel as though my body is falling apart. I have always suffered pains and severe fatigue but things seem to be getting worse. Isnt it such a nuisance when your mind says your 18 and your body says you are 100.
I suffer from 'red palms' which my dermatologist says is a form of hand dermatitis (the steroid cream doesn't seem to work so I don't that her diagnosis is correct.) 'Red palms' can also be a symptom of liver disease and PBC. When I get into the shower no matter the temperature, my hands turn bright red, as do different areas on my legs, forearms, etc. Too, as you've described, I also feel odd pains and pulling, especially in my knees, that wasn't there earlier this year. I guess, we'll fall apart together, June.