Is anyone else both AMA and ANA positive?
AMA and ANA: Is anyone else both AMA and ANA... - PBC Foundation
Yes I am ANA POSITIVE as well as AMA Postive
Suzywong, can you tell me what this means in relation to PBC.
In PBC normally you have test positive for AMA as I did late 2010. I was diagnosed with PBC and at the time presented with feelings of fatigue and tiredness and itching. LFTs were abnormal.
I had the ANA tested same time as AMA and that came back negative. Usually if one has positive for ANA it can mean something like Auto-immune hepatitis for eg.
Basically as I understand it, the AMA and ANA are just different types of antibodies that attack certain cells. In case of AMA it is the mitochondria, it is the nuclear for ANA.
I proved positive to both. ANA showed Sjogrens syndrome AMA pbc
Ive got AMA and ANA - I know the AMA is PBC but no one has told me the signifance of ANA.
I am positive for both aswell. ANA indicates auto immune antibodies and AMA is specific to the PBC. I also have auto immune hair loss and an auto immune rash. Was told also that I have CREST then was told I have parts of it.
I have tested positive for PBC on AMA. My ANA is positive for RNP on the ENA panel this suggests Mixed Connective Tissue Disease. I am taking my blood results with me to my 1st consultant appointment with Hepatologist, will they discuss the ramifications of the positive ANA test with me then? GP seemed to think positive ANA was linked in with PBC but when I looked at the specifics of the ENA test it suggests MCTD.
Do you see a Rheumatologist at all. Thats who I was sent to when the ANA was found positive.
I am AMA and ANA positive. AMA = PBC and ANA the doctors are still trying to figure out after almost two years. As of now they have diagnosed me with Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD).
I'm positive for AMA, ANA, plus the rheumatoid factor.
Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), are found in people whose immune system may cause inflammation against their own body tissues. ANAs indicate the potential presence of an autoimmune illness.
If you are also AMA positive it's highly likely that it's PBC, like me!
A positive ANA could mean another autoimmune disease is present, but a positive ANA on it's own could mean nothing.
It's related to autoimmune diseases and could mean someone had Rheumatoid Arthritis, Raynaud's phenomenon, Lupus, Connective tissue disease, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Scleroderma etc.
I was referred to a Rheumatologist as I tested positive for the rheumatoid factor, but he doesn't think I have it and it was him who asked my GP to refer me to Gastroenterology to see a liver specialist as my blood tests were related to PBC.
So really it depends what you test positive for as well as the ANA test!
Hope this helps
Take care!
I had positive ANA and AMA, then when retested my ANA was no longer positive. My Rheumy told me that sometimes people with early stage PBC test ANA positive, but then it fades when you get on treatment and it progresses some. I was being tested for MCTD too, and I have some symptoms of other things, but nothing conclusive. MY RA factor was negative as was my tests for LUPUS and other things. I have had hair loss too, but it seems to have stopped as long as I use the right shampoos and some other hair growth remedies.
Yes I am. I also have Sjogrens and Limited Scleroderma. Hi everyone