Is anyone using or used this in the UK
I am interested in whether GPs will prescribe it,I have read the side effects pretty similar to alendronic acid just sounds easier to use
Is anyone using or used this in the UK
I am interested in whether GPs will prescribe it,I have read the side effects pretty similar to alendronic acid just sounds easier to use
Im awaiting to hear from my GP whether I am to be offered this option. I think they have a tree to follow and you work your way up (expense wise) if you cant tolerant the alendronate acid etc. My GP said it was a completely different class of drug, a biological drug? It has only been available on the NHS for a couple of years, and she needed to take specialist advise before prescribing.
If I do start on it I will post how I get on as I need to take something.
Same here, The bone unit are suposed to be checking with the liver unit at another hospital to see if it could be given safely to someone with PBC as like I said on yesterdays post about this the hospital here have never treated anyone with PBC with it before. to be honest I don't like the look of the side effects.
My GP said they cost £279 aand that they would have to be given by a consultant as health authority wouldn't allow her to prescribe it.