i have noticed for a few years now i have trouble shaking coughs/colds they seem to linger for ages. i was wondering if this was a symptom of pbc and also whether i should have a flu jab in future.
hi, i have recently been diagnosed with pbc... - PBC Foundation
hi, i have recently been diagnosed with pbc, and i was wondering if anyone else had trouble getting rid of coughs/colds ?

when i get a cold i end up in bed and it takes weeks for me to get over it. myself and my husband both get the flu jab every year. my husband panics when i get a cold because it means that im not going to be able to do ANYTHING for myself and it takes weeks for it to go. hope this shows your not alone.x
Hi marky123
My GP recommended that I have the flu jab every year because of the PBC. I have had it twice now with no ill effects. I believe it's been worth while me having it as I can honestly say I have only had one really bad cold this last year. I hope I have not jinxed myself now by saying that! Before I had the jabs I seemed to get colds far more frequently.
I am not really sure if the lingering has anything to do with the PBC though. But what I have found is that if I don't treat a cold as soon as it comes on it will go to my chest and then it takes an age to get rid of. My local chemist is brilliant, if I start showing any signs I go straight to see her and she recommends a treatment for me which normally does the trick. If that doesn't work then I go to my GP, I don't bother going beforehand as they won't normally give me anything until its too late and already on my chest.
Its worth a try but everyone reacts differently I am sure, whether you have PBC or not. My parents have both had the flu jab in the past, my mother is fine on it but it makes my father feel really ill and he is convinced he has more colds when he has had it but no offence, that could be man flu!!
I am sure if you have a word with your GP or consultant they will be able to offer some advise but at the end of the day its personal preference. Also some GP's may refuse to give it if they don't believe you fit the criteria but as I said before my GP recommended I have it I did not ask for it.
All the best on making the right decision for you
Hi Marky 123 I've had pbnc for 11yrs ad can safely say no If I do get a cold its just like any virus lasts about 3-7days however I'm gret believer in prevention is better tn cure so because of having pbc i take high dose vit c from around end of sept til end march to boost my immune system. I also take the flu jab every winter and I believe doing these two things keeps the coughs and colds away. However if this is happening to you a lot and you do eat a well balanced healthy diet get it checked out by your gp in case your immune system is not working properly. A little tip for all, fruit and veg coloured orange good for helping the immune system i once read and stick to this myself.
Hi - when I first had PBC I had loads of colds but I was very run down and ill. But for the last two years Ive been free of them, hand on heart not a single one. As to the flu jab, I always used to have one because I have asthma but about 3 years ago I had a bad reaction to one and had the affects from it for about 8 months before it wore off. My GP thought it couldnt be the flu jab and blamed the PBC but my rheumatologist said if you have joint problems it is well known that patients react to it. However, I believe if you have a chronic illness you are entitled but you may have to ask your GP, most people are fine with them, unfortunately my body has taken exception to many medications......
You need to boost your immune system. Any illness like pbc means your system is not working the way it should. I take zinc or vit e on and off and when I feel like I'm getting a cold high dose vit c with zinc and this seems to work. If I get a cold I'm ill for months so anything to help.
hi, thanks everyone for all your advice i will try the vitamins and in the autumn the flu jab and see if it helps.
The common cold or virus usually takes me a little longer to get rid of. Remember you have an autoimmune condition so it will take you a little longer to get better. As for the flu vaccine,I don't get it. Both. My GP and Internist say it wont't really do anything, so I just take precautions,good hand washing techniques, I don't share, pens with anyone, open door handles with tissues and turn water faucets on/off with tissues.
Just the opposite for me. I know it my be hard to believe but in the past 20 years I have only had 1 yes 1 cold. And don't you know it was 2 days before we were to leave on a 9 day cruise. That was January 2, 2010. I was dx Jan. 19, 2011, but believe I have had PBC for at least 15 - 20 years. Can't prove it of course but looking back have had symptoms for a long long time.