I have pbc and have been diagnosed with osteoporosis does anyone else have this and is it related to pbc xx
Hi everyone I have pbc and I have just been... - PBC Foundation
Hi everyone I have pbc and I have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis does anyone else have osteoporosis and is it connected to pbc xx

Hi Sophie666, I have PBC and osteoporosis in my lower back, I also have osteopenea in my hips. I believe it is all caused by PBC as I am vit d deficiant too!
Hi, I have pbc & bone scan shows I have osteopenia - I believe its connected to pbc
Hi there, yes I have osteoporosis too. I was diagnosed 2 years ago following a Dexa scan a few months after my PBC diagnosis. They sent me for the scan because I was on steroids and they wanted to monitor the steroid effect on my bones. I think they were a big shocked when the diagnosis came back. I now attend a Endicrinology clinic (once a year) on medication (1 tablet a month). 2nd Dexa in November. Hoping for improvement. On calcium/ bit d twice daily also.
Me too _ I was diagnosed with osteoporosis by dexa scan following a broken bone before I knew I had pbc. I think there is a link with pbc in that the liver probably affects the amount of vit d and calcium available to maintain healthy bones. I take vit d and calcium supplements and biphosphonates to regulate the bone growth.
Hello sophie666.
Osteoporosis seems to be more prevalent with women than it does in men. Women can be prone to it following the menopause due to hormone changes. My mother-in-law developed it and was informed when she was in her 60s (she is now 72) but she was said to be more prone to being a lifelong smoker (and still is).
I think in PBC we are all the more prone to bone problems due to the fact we have a compromised biliary system and that ultimately means that certain vitamins (and minerals) might not be absorbed as well. Vit D tends to be one that can be a problem with PBC as can A and K. D is fat soluble and seems to be these that can be of concern.
I'd not say it is down to PBC myself, more due to the compromised system we now have that can bring it on.
Hello Sophie666, I have been diagnosed with "severe" osteoporosis on L1-L4 area of the spine last year and was told that this is due to PBC. As peridot mentioned it just has something to do that our gastrointestinal tract doesn't absorb certain vitamins anymore that well. My liver consultant told me that even patients with PBC don't yet have osteoporosis or osteopenie that we ALL should be at least on Vit D/Calcium. However, I am also on alendronic acid 1x week, which I didn't tolerate well in the beginning, but hase become more tolerable now.
Thanks all for your comments I am on alendronic acid once a week too but think its for life I can only take paracetamol for the pain so I hope these tablets work wondering what will come next this pbc has a lot to answer for keep well every one xxx
I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteoarthritis
Yes I have been diagnosed too and have had PBC for almost 12 years,