Has anybody done this? And if so, as a test (for what) or as a method of treatment for PBC ? If so, how often?
What do your doctors say about it, if they ever mentioned it?
Thank you.
Has anybody done this? And if so, as a test (for what) or as a method of treatment for PBC ? If so, how often?
What do your doctors say about it, if they ever mentioned it?
Thank you.
This test is used to diagnose gallbladder conditions. Sounds rather unpleasant as it requires flushing out bile from the gallbladder, the process is way too complicated for me to understand.
Hope others can give you more information.
i have never heard of this test what does it do,?
how is it done? wiil be interested to see answers
plizzard, My understanding of the test is that a solution of magnesium sulfate is delivered into the gallbladder, by a tube, causing contractions and the expulsion of bile from the common duct and gallbladder. Samples aspirated are examined and can reveal certain diseases of the gallbladder.
I don't understand this complicated procedure, it involves many steps and while considered to be very revealing and accurate I don't believe it's a test used in the diagnosis of PBC.
Sure hope someone knows more about it and can explain it better.
Take care
From what I found while researching, it was first used around 1919. I am thinking it's not used much now as MRI and ultrasound are less invasive.
I had a gallbladder test done yesterday. It is called a "Hida-scan" and takes approximately an hour and a half. You lay down on the "bed" like for an MRI or CT Scan.They inject a small amount of radiation (?) into a vein and watch it go thru the GB, liver, bile ducts and small intestine. Then they give you what I call a "cocktail" (a mixture of drugs) in the IV that makes the GB work like you have just eaten. This will tell them if the GB itself is working properly. You can find out more info. by "googling" -:).
We will probably have my results Monday, tho' the Tech. said that from what he could see on the pictures, I do have a GB problelm. We will see - -. ga
hi thanks
for the info all sounds a bit much, it seems a bit invasive i have no gallbladder so would not work for me...
hi thanks
for the info all sounds a bit much, it seems a bit invasive i have no gallbladder so would not work for me...
Thanks for the Hida-scan information, very interesting. Best of luck with your test results.
Take care