I had to argue my case with my GP over urso as originally he was going to just give me a prescription for 30 days (that is the denomination apparently). I managed to get 90 days but couldn't get more.
How many days supply of urso do you get pre... - PBC Foundation
How many days supply of urso do you get prescribed?
I get 90 days at a time with a repeat script
I get one month supply at a time with a repeat prescription.
Reason asked here is because I have to pay so wondered anyone else in same maybe managing to get more at a time.
I get 56 days at a time, but I have a prepaid annual card cos I have several other conditions as well so it does matter to me, its just a flat fee for the year.
I get 60 days supply with a repeat prescription.
I get 90 days. With my insurance it only costs me $10.00 for a 90 days supply and I would pay the same if it was only 30 days.
I presume tinapro that you are in US (or maybe Australia)?
We have the NHS here in England and technically get GPs, consultants, etc 'for free' (well whilst working we pay National Insurance (NI) but I won't divulge further there) and have to contribute towards a prescription (unless on any state benefit. I have always had to pay), dentists, optician check (unless on state benefit). Hence I have tried to get a bigger quantity by prescription to cut down the cost (as one of the annual ones you prepay for beforehand wouldn't be economical for me with just taking urso).
I got a shock end 2010 when I got my first prescription for urso as I'd not had a prescription since 1999 so the cost was considerably higher. If a doctor said to me that regardless of the tablets the PBC would stay the same I'd not bother taking the urso as I've never been one for taking any OTC or prescription medications.

Hi, I am in the UK. My prescriptions were working out very expensive as I need medication for other AI diseases. So I applied for a pre paid prescription card, it costs £104.00 a year. And then you can then get your prescription with it whenever you need it.
Hello ETW1.
Still paying for the urso, never been entitled (as yet) to free prescriptions. I don't have any other medications so for me not worth one of these.
On my most recent dentist check-up, for the first time ever I've had to pay the highest NHS fee for my 'treatment'. I had a tooth that died several years ago. The tooth started to loosen, dentist said he'd leave it to fall out earlier in the year when I saw him. Late July it just did that and now had to address the 'gap' as it was a middle bottom tooth. Never had more than fillings in my life and the odd far back extraction and rather than opting for something permanent (didn't want) I have just had a denture madebut been costly visit this time.

Well I don't get Urso free, get the card it works out cheaper. Only get a months Urso at a time though. I dont get the dentist free either. I just dont understand people with Thyroid problems get Thyroxine free, but we have to have Urso for the rest of our lives, but have to pay if we are not pensioners.
I managed to get my GP to give me 90 days supply of the urso. I argued to the point after being diagnosed that I pay and that I'd not had any GP prescriptions since 1999 prior to 2010. A few years ago I got some rubbish off another GP about the quantity so I wrote to my MP at the time. 3 months later I got a response from the then Health Minister and it stated that there was no set quantity of days for repeat prescriptions. It's been a case Health Authorities seem to have set their own.
For several years I've been keeping up with the Prescription Coalition (PC) as they have been fighting for England to have free prescriptions for certain conditions if deemed required as on-going. I know with the urso it is one of those grey areas as it's not known really what the urso actually achieves, only what it is used to attempt to do. I did get an email several mths ago from the PC but I now have in my opinion a useless MP and she doesn't seem overly-interested.
So in my case presently it is of no use acquiring a prepayment cert for the urso as I probably only average 5 prescriptions per yr. Out of interest about 4yrs ago now I did have a short course of iron tablets for mild anaemia. I didn't use the prescription from the GP, it was cheaper buying the same over the counter than a prescription fee.
My bug-bear with regards to prescriptions is that certain items are actually acquired cheaper to the NHS yet paying patients then pay more unlike anyone receiving free. this I do not deem fair at all. I never took any notice when in the early days of PBC and the urso one GP noted to me how much the urso was costing.
If I got free prescriptions it would not bother me how much a supply a GP put on a prescription but I do not wnat to be running around every 28 days as some GP surgeries only allow now for a prescription I have to pay for.
I get a month at a time but get the free prescriptions anyway. Obviously it would be better for you if you got a few months supply at a time..
I too get a prescription for a monthly supply. My prescription is for 12 months before having to automatically see my Gp, and my urso is in the chemist waiting to be picked up. I like zipitydeoo get the prescriptions free as I live in Wales. It would cost me quite a lot if i had to pay for the 4 items I receive each month. I know I am very fortunate.
I get 2 months supply but get them free as I am in Scotland. I do think it very unfair that those of you in England have to pay for prescriptions though.
I get one month at a time which seems daft as I have been told I will always have to take it. Not sure why they cannot give maybe 3 months at a time. I also just get one month of the quest ran for the itching as well.
Hello K219.
Have you tried asking your GP if he can give you a script for 90 days (almost 3mths) along with the Questran one also if you have been on that for awhile (don't know when you were diganosed).
Seem a bit OTT to have to keep asking for a repeat script every mth especially as you have said we are apparently going to be on urso permanently.
Noticed cazzi says she only has her medication review every 12mths., I wish, mine is down for 6mths currently.
hi re urso in australia i get 200 tablet at one time which last me 40 days then can get another 200 and my dr usually gives me 3 repeats so easy to get here as have been on them for 12 yrs now ..
Hi Hidden
I get a months supply, have had for the last nine/ten years, it is on repeat though, so i just pick it up from the pharmacy, all done automatically, maybe it's an issue with "in date medication" just a thought.
I live in the US. Get my urso as a 90 day supply. I pay for script through good rx. Its cheaper than running it though my insurance but, next year, I might run it though my insurance to meet my yearly deductible and maybe get it at a lower price per month after meeting my deductible vs good rx (it may still come out to the same yearly cost though.... whether i pay out of pocket through good rx or through insurance and the copay. Will have to see).