Right now I am just at the diagnosis stage. But I think I might switch from my current gastro/liver guy and wonder if I should go to just a liver (hepatologist?) specialist? What do you do?
Do you see gastroenterologist or just liver... - PBC Foundation
Do you see gastroenterologist or just liver specialist?

I see a specialist in Gastroenterology with Specialist Areas - Hepatology and Endoscopy. I am very happy so far.
I first of all saw a gastro but have now changed to a liver specialist.
I see a gastroenterologist and I am happy with the treatment so far however when I see him in 2 weeks I am going to ask him if he has an interest or specialises in Hapatology and if not what are the advantages to having a consultant that does. X
I see a gastro but he has a special interest is the biliary tree. So I think he fits the bill. If you google the hospital's consultants you should be able to find out what their special interests are. My consultant definitely takes alot of interest in me. Not all hospitals have a hepatologist so you may have to travel further to see one.
I used to see a heptologist but usually had to wait for over an hour for a 5 minute consultation which I was very dissatisfied with. I now see a gastrenterologist and usually get in within 10 minutes of my appointment time and more importantly he really seems to care and spends a lot of time discussing things with me. To me that is far important!
As usual it just boils down to how responsive the doctor is. In person my current gastro/liver guy is great, but his office is set up so that I can only talk to him when I have an appointment. The rest of the time I have to wait for an appointment for answers. My lupus specialist actually answers emails right away and this is wonderful for those long stretches between appointments. The lupus doc is at a hospital (George Washington Hospital, D.C.) where they have an internal computer system that each doc can access. Therefore, it makes sense for me to get a specialist there so that they can really communicate with each other and maybe even with me. Thank you all for your help and support. Ruth
I see a gastro dr and he is great. Always helpful and listens to eveything I say and answers all my questions. I think it really depends on the person than anything else.
Initially I saw a more qualified guy and his 'bedside manner' is deplorable. See who you feel comfortable with.