I know I keep referring to this being a new year - but it is and we often associate that with starting over, making changes, being better at something, changing a relationship with someone in our lives. It's almost like the new year gives us permission for a 'do over'.
No one knows what the year will bring. No day is guaranteed to us. The future can't possibly be predicted by anyone. I know many of you may be 'worriers'. Sound familiar? I am not. I have, however, met many people in the past several years who are. I always think how tiresome that must be to always be worrying and usually fretting over what's next.
what will my next lab results be? will my fatigue get worse? will I start to itch? what will my next doctor visit tell me? will I be able to keep working? will I bet able to go on that trip I've planned?
I have no doubt that the 'worry list' could go on for many of you. Yes, we all have things/people in our lives who worry us - myself included. But..... always worrying about what comes next or when something happens can take a lot of energy, doesn't it? It can be exhausting.
All I can say is try to use some of that energy on what is happening to you right now, today, in this moment. Look around at all that is good in your life. We all need to look at what we see everyday....and really take the time to see it. Slow down. What's right in front of you, happening right now, can make your day a bit brighter if only we take the time to be present.
Start with a small thing that you try to not worry about (or as much anyway) and see if you feel the difference. Use that bit of energy for doing something that makes you happy. ' Control what you can control', I have found, to be such a valuable mantra. Think about that....