I had a beauty mark on my nose from too much fun in the sun in my younger years. I had Moh’s surgery because they had to take a few layers until all was clear under the microscope. This was June 13th. Went back 2 weeks later to get the stitches out. A couple weeks after that, I noticed a little white thing stickup out of the suture line. Well, I had to see the surgical nurse. I didn’t know but they had also used a few dissolvable stitches. She removed 3 stitches. She said my body rejected the dissolvable and was trying to push them out. Sorry for the long post but that’s how confused our immune systems are. I tried to find a little humor in it. 😊
Wacky Immune System : I had a beauty mark on... - PBC Foundation
Wacky Immune System

Hi ya! Saw you posted and wanted to say hello and see how you're doing?I'm only getting checked every 6months these days. My Alk-phos has gone up higher this past year. It's been 200 where it ran 160-190 before. Besides that, everything else has been in range. I'm battling covid-19 right now. Both my husband and I got it after a convention in Kansas City. It's a bit milder this time yet, the cough hangs on.
Hope you are doing good. Hope to hear from you.
Hi Stella! Glad you’re doing well but sorry about the covid. My ALP has also increased a bit. My hep wanted me to try Elafibrinor. I did and had problems with it. After 8 days I said no more. Now I’m trying to get back on ocaliva. Is your hep overly concerned about your ALP?

Like I've said before, I think we are just beginning to really understand our immune system. It is so much of our body's 'workings'. Glad you went to the dermatologist though. My husband and I go regularly. He has had multiple Mohs procedures done.
I was amazed that it healed so beautifully.
My husband has has multiple ones on his face and nose ---- very small scars. They know what they're doing for sure.