I posted a few weeks ago and received reassuring replies. I wanted to post again to see if anyone had
anymore information for me.
I am in Virginia, USA
I had AMAs in blood. My alt and ast
were a little high in July because of drinking. On Sept. 12th everything
was in the normal range; alt, ast,
alp all normal, bilirubin normal,
cholesterol has always been good.
I had an ultrasound in August
and I had some fatty liver but there
was no pathology for gallbladder/
biliary. I saw a nurse practitioner
at the GI dr on Sept. 22nd.
She and the dr said that they
wanted me to have follow-up
bloodwork for AMAs, ANAs,
and other things like IGM I believe
in a month from Sept. 22nd.
Well, I had a sore throat virus
and was told to wait to do the
bloodwork because a virus can
alter the results. So, here I am
waiting. I have had a great loss of sleep and anxiety ; it is better
because of prayer and I believe
that God healed me of the horrible
anxiety cycle that I had gotten my
body into. I just want any information
to reassure me a little about AMAs
but no other indications for PBC.
If I had normal LFTs on Sept.. 12th
it would still be normal now I would
think. Some of the test are new that they will be doing.
Anyway, I need to get this resolved.
Thank you!